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WARNING: Just a reminder, most of the science crap I write is fictional, though I do a lot of research to make it seem real. Even so, there are many statements throughout this fanfiction that is real and fact, for example, the appendicitis chapter.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter was on cloud fucking nine.

Even though yesterday was rough at the beginning, it didn't matter. Legolas was finally his. His One is finally his. Suddenly, all of that waiting and pain through those years he was searching was worth it. Although, it would have been nice to know that his One was a guy... And from a completely different world... And not human.

Last night, when he and Legolas went down to the basement, they returned to what they usually did late at night. Jupiter had asked him about the whole bioenergetics thing he had said during dinner and was told that he had been reading the book about it. This, of course, sucked him into a proper lesson about bioenergetics and instead of the blackboards being used for his research, he used them for teaching.

Legolas had stood next to him the entire time, watching and listening intently. Jupiter wasn't surprised by how he soaked in the knowledge quickly considering that Legolas learns a lot just from watching him work on research for their return to Middle-Earth. Of course, while the blonde was close to him, he took every chance he got to touch him. A simple brush of the hand, a peck on the cheek when he answered a question correctly, all until it escalated to wrapping an arm around his waist as he spoke. The only sign that Jupiter showed when he noticed him blushing was a widened smirk.

Sadly, it had been cut short when the elf noticed how much he was yawning and demanded he go to sleep. Legolas had grinned the entire way through their journey to Jupiter's bedroom due to the mortal clinging onto him and whining that he didn't want to go to bed yet. "I thought Manny is the one who acts like a child. I'm astonished that you are not being mature about this." Legolas had told him, not minding the slight weight put upon him.

"But I wanna spend more time with you..." Jupiter had slurred, the lack of sleep finally catching up to him tonight. Even though he was a bit of an insomniac, he has never bothered to officially confirm it, there were always those rare nights in which he easily goes to sleep after going too long without it. In other words, passing out. Manny had learned quickly that when he was dead tired, he tended to have no filter when speaking thoughts... His more hidden thoughts, that is.

The archer had simply smiled warmly at his words and Jupiter was awake enough to catch the sparkle of joy in his blue orbs, "Aye. I do as well, but you need rest, do not think I haven't noticed your sleepless nights." He stopped in front of the bedroom door, "Once you awaken we can spend all day together."

Jupiter nodded slowly and Legolas found himself kissing the scientist. Although it would seem like a few minutes for the man, it will be hours until the elf will see him again. This time, Jupiter was the one who was blushing. It still amazed Legolas how the man can be confident in showing affection and then the next second he turns shy when he receives it. It was in every way precious.

Fortunately for Jupiter, his body managed to wake up at the earliest it can and when he did, instead of muttering curses, he hurriedly got out of his bed without disturbing Manny and rushed into the bathroom to do his morning ritual without complaint. His entire body buzzed with excitement, to the point where he even tried singing in the shower - he had swiftly stopped upon hearing his own voice echo back into his ears. Now he understood why people hated hearing themselves sing, good or bad. He couldn't tell if he was either, but he's never doing that shit again.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now