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WARNING: I tried my best with the accuracy of the medical crap. If something isn't accurate, then pretend it is lol


I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Everyone quietly sat in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for any news of Manny. Jupiter kept his gaze downwards but every now and then it would move to glare at any of the people in there with them looking at him or trail over to the desk where the woman had once been. It has been a little while since someone with an angered expression had taken her off duty to take her somewhere and another nurse replaced her.

He rubbed the back of his hand as he tried to think of what infection could possibly make Manny throw up blood. It definitely isn't your regular stomach flu that some people get, so what could it possibly be? He needed some type of reassurance that whatever it is, she's able to pull through.

Jupiter scratched the back of his hand as he sighed deeply. The others at home must be worried sick if the expressions on their faces right before they left meant anything. And he can't forget about Manny's family. They have no clue that Manny was probably dying and it was his job to either tell them or not. If- no, when Manny is better, he'll ask her to see if she wants them to know or not. It'll be her choice.


Yeah, Manny is going to get better. She's going to be perfectly fine! If she can eat a ninety-two ounce steak in one sitting and have room for dessert afterwards then she can practically pull through anything!


But what if she doesn't? What if her body can't handle it? She's throwing up blood for fuck's sake!

The scientist snapped his head up at Legolas when he took a hold of his hand, moving it away from his other to keep him from rubbing it. Worry was etched on the elf's face as he told him quietly, "Jupiter, you're hurting yourself." Jupiter looked at him strangely when he said that. What did he mean? It confused him because to his knowledge, he wasn't hurting himself at all.

He winced when he began to register a stinging sensation on his other hand and he looked down. He mentally cursed at the sight of his skin - that was close to being as pale as Legolas' due to the fact that he stays inside more than outside - with four bright lines of red from constant scratching. He thought he had stopped with that stupid habit...

Legolas frowned a little when he looked away after seeing what he had done to his hand, but made no protest to holding the ellon's. Legolas swallowed hard, readjusting their hands so that he laced their fingers together. He was only holding his hand to keep him from hurting himself again and to comfort him. Yes, Legolas was not doing a gesture such as this because he enjoyed touching him or because he enjoyed the way his hand fit into his perfectly, their warmth intermingling, or even the electrifying feeling he gets from just holding it, of course not!

A nurse cautiously approached the small group huddled at the corner of the room, Frodo and Aragorn speaking lowly to each other, deep in their conversation with serious expressions and the other two unnaturally quiet. "Jupiter Holo?" She flinched when his head snapped up and he glared at her through his glasses. "Amanda Valleet-"


"Y-Yes, Vallette. She said that you are her friend? Where are her guardians?"

"Yes, her family by blood is out of state. What do you want?" He spat, not in the mood to play twenty-one questions, and he ignored the warning look he got from both Aragorn and Legolas.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now