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WARNING: Still not a doctor.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


The next morning he found himself watching Manny with narrowed eyes. Her eyes were droopy and her face held a grimace, not touching the food in front of her. It wasn't until she pushed the plate towards one of the hobbits did she stand and say, "You can have it. I'm not hungry."

Everyone gaped at her, because everyone in the household knew very well that Manny is a eating machine. She was an endless pit who eats everything and anything, whenever and wherever she wanted to. To put it in very simple terms, she had the stomach and appetite of a hobbit, hence why everyone was shocked by her statement.

As soon as she turned around to leave, she was met with a sickly sweet smile that was stretched across Jupiter's face, "You're not going to eat, sweet cheeks?"

Manny paled and averted her eyes, realizing that maybe it wasn't a good idea to openly say that she of all people didn't feel like eating, "Er- Yeah. I'm not that hungry."

"Loss of appetite, drowsiness, sickly skin, and-" He placed a single finger against her forehead, "A forehead hotter than a bunsen burner."

"Maybe I'm a little sick, whatever, fine, now let's go to school before we're late-" She squeaked when his finger dug further into her forehead painfully.

A vein bulged from his own, smile still placed on his face, as his eye noticeably twitched in annoyance, "School? You are not going to school with a fever, young lady. I can't have you overworking yourself and passing out in the middle of the hallway to get trampled on, now do I?"

She gulped and could only do one thing. And that is to make a pitiful noise, "Meep!..."

Manny was effortlessly swept off her feet and was carried bridle style up the stairs.


"She has a fever of one hundred degrees. Two degrees higher than it should be. She could have just caught something, and just needs rest and medicine, but it's best to keep any eye on her. If it gets worse, then I might do a blood test to figure out what's going on."

"Will she be okay?" Frodo asked.

Jupiter gave him a reassuring look, "Yes, just stay out of my room like usual, can't have all of you getting sick too." He then went back upstairs to check up on the groaning woman tucked into his bed with a damp wash cloth on her forehead.

"I'm so hoooot..." She whined as soon as he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

The red head rolled his eyes, taking off the cloth and dipping it into the basin, squeezing the excess water out. "Yes, yes you are, both figuratively and literally." He placed it back on her forehead.

She sighed in satisfaction, "Thanks for the ego boost. So what is it, doc? Am I gonna die?"

"No." He chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed, brushing away some of her hair. "Just a fever so try to get some sleep, I'll call school so teachers can email you work."

"Thanks, doc..." She yawned, closing her eyes.

Jupiter sighed in relief, glad that she was finally starting to sleep it off and was no longer complaining about missing school. Sometimes he couldn't understand why she wanted to go there so much when you basically learn close to nothing there. Yes, he understands that if you want a stable job you will need to get an education, but still. They can at least teach students how to write a check instead of how many women Benjamin Franklin banged.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now