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WARNING: I am not a scientist or doctor. Some medical and scientific statements throughout this fanfiction have been researched for accuracy, but most of it will be purely fiction. Thank you.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Manny burped after chugging the rest of the carbonated liquid crack out of a red can. Her hand clenched around it, her grip crushing it with the annoying crackle of thin aluminum caving in before tossing it on the coffee table in front of her. She picks up her bowl of cheese puffs and places it on her lap before using the remote to go through the movies on Netflix in hopes of finding another movie to watch.

It was Friday night, a perfect time for a girl like her to pull her hair up in a messy bun, slap on a nose strip, throw on her pajamas, take off her bra, eat junk food, and watch Netflix while ignoring the fact that she has homework due on Monday. She groaned in satisfaction as she sank further into the couch, continuing her search, grumbling at the sound of thunder in the distance outside.

The brunette was relieved that she was away from her fellow students at school. All she wants was to be alone, laze around, and eat... While occasionally drawing. Literally the only person, other than her family, that she allows in her life is her best friend. To anyone who had just met her, he would be at the bottom of the list of who that best friend was. All in all, the two of them go way back, so it isn't that surprising.

Licking off the cheese dust from her fingers, she stops at one particular movie. A faint smile was brought to her lips at the familiar cover. It was the first movie of her and her best friend's favorite movie trilogy. She selected it without hesitation and dropped her remote.

She popped another handful of cheesy goodness into her mouth as she listened to the elf speaking her native tongue to begin the story. Half paying attention, she briefly wondered what her bestie was doing, but scoffed at the thought. He was probably doing all types of stuff that she has repeatedly told him not to do. Maybe he was at a party, who knows?

Manny worries for him whenever she wasn't with him. His whole demeanor basically says 'Fuck you' and 'I don't care' all the time. It's surprising that he cared about her. Who would think that the popular bad boy would even glance at her direction? When he tried becoming her friend, it was the worst weeks of her life, but she will never regret giving in.

She shook her head and returned her attention to the screen, blindly setting the empty bowl down on the table. She'll just text him later to see what he's up to and invite him over. Sucking off the cheese dust from her fingers, she cringed at the scene. The Fellowship were all battling in the caves of Moria and it was almost time for... that scene.

Yes, she knows that Gandalf lives, but the look of despair on everyone else... It was just too real. After watching the movie a couple of times it wasn't until then did it really hit her that Gandalf was a close friend to the majority of the Fellowship. For years. It made her tear up imagining how it would feel to lose her only friend and it was not pleasant.

The can in her hands hissed after being opened before it's contents were promptly chugged. Her diet was atrocious. If it weren't for her friend, she would probably have diabetes by now, so to compliment the atrocity she is simply disgusting. She was grosser than her male best friend. Especially during the summer. She just sat all day and got... gross. Time seems to fly by when she's watching shows and reading fanfictions. Not to mention her home, it was a mess. Clothes scattered in her room, empty bags of chips at random places... At least she does the dishes.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now