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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


"So, you're telling me that you two finally professed your love to each other, and Jupiter didn't bother to wake me up and tell me?"

"Well, yeah, but more importantly, why in fuck's name did you throw a goddamn flip-flop into my fucking face?! It's worse than that fly swatter bullshit you did last year!"

"It was the first thing I grabbed, ass-hat."

Jupiter grumbled under his breath with a deep scowl as he rubbed his bright red forehead soothingly. After Manny threw the flip-flop at him, she had tried tackling him but Legolas managed to hold her back in time. It didn't take long for her to calm down while Jupiter used his phone's camera as a mirror to make sure he wasn't bleeding.

Eventually, Legolas took it upon himself to tell her what had happened last night, leaving out the details for obvious reasons. Manny, seeming perfectly fine now, beamed at the both of them, "Well, dang, I didn't expect this. This is great! Do you guys do dirty things now like hug and kiss each other's cheeks?"

"Lady Manny!"

"Hey, hey, hey, I thought we were done with that lady crap!" She grinned, "And I was just kidding. Knowing Jupiter, he's already kissed you various times, yet he blushes like a schoolgirl when you do it to him." She laughed when Legolas spluttered and Jupiter gave her a withering glare, "Called it!"

"Huh, knowing you, I bet you'll be doing the same too with you-know-who."

Manny's grin immediately drops, "Wow. You're a complete butthole. Now I'm super jealous instead of happy, thanks a lot, I'm going to leave now, but before I do..." She took a deep breath as she turns to Legolas, "I trust you with Jupiter. I'm perfectly fine with you courting him, but as Jupiter's best friend, it's my duty to do this and I know this will be the last time I ever do it. So, Legolas, if you ever break Jupiter's heart, I will tear every limb off of you. I will go Bruce Lee on your ass, deadly elf with topnotch fighting skills or not."

"Manny, I swear to you, that I would rather give away my life than allow that to happen."

A warm smile crawled up to Manny's lips at the sight of blue eyes expressing nothing but the truth, his voice and face speaking volumes to add onto his honesty. Jupiter, no longer bothered by his sore face and annoyance, looked at Legolas with the most heartwarming expression she has ever seen, "I'll leave you two alone now."


Manny cannot believe what just happened.

She cannot believe what just happened to her.

What the actual Guaca Flocka.

Okay, allow her to start from the beginning...

She had returned from her confrontation with Jupiter and Legolas while wearing only one flip-flop, hair tangled from her sprint to the lab door, and a little sweaty. She had jokingly told everyone that apparently she was being replaced by Legolas, which earned a few laughs. Upon approaching them in order to join them in the board game, she noticed very quickly that her favorite hobbit was gone. After asking where he was, she went to the backyard where Frodo was sitting on the ground, picking at the grass.

Manny, being the good friend she was, joined him on the ground. After crossing her legs she nudged his knee with her own, "Hi."

Frodo didn't look up from the blade of grass he was fiddling with, "Hello, Manny."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now