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I apologize that it took me so long to post this. My wifi wasn't working yesterday, I woke up late today, and I had to heavily edit this chapter. Good news is that this chapter is a bit longer than usual! :D

WARNING: This chapter is literally just pure fluff.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter used his phone as a mirror in order to watch his own hair being shifted due to his fingers running through it. He huffed as he tousled his hair from side to side, even trying to give it a messy slicked back look. Ever since the Fellowship arrived, his hair has begun to grow out slightly. He had discovered this when he came out of the shower Manny demanded he take - which he was planning to do anyway - and as soon as he removed the small towel from his head, his hair flopped straight into his eyes painfully.

The second Manny saw him come out of the bathroom with a towel draped over his shoulder and only wearing boxers, she snorted at the sight of his hair. To speed up the drying, she blow-dried it, revealing that his hair was slightly wavy now that it wasn't as short. She told him it was a nice touch and reminded her of the time when they were kids where he tried to grow his hair out to look like- Yeah, it's pretty obvious who he was trying to look like.

He asked for her to cut it - he no longer trusted himself with cutting his own hair - but she only cut it enough so that it was no longer poking his eyes. When he asked why she didn't cut it back to its original length, but she only said that she didn't want to get rid of the waviness.

Giving up, he furiously ruffled his hair. Fuck it. It's going to get messy anyway, he'll just have to deal with a rat's nest on his head.

Jupiter pocketed his phone and fiddled with his clothing, absentmindedly blowing a bubble from the mint gum he was chewing. He had visited the doctor after his little breakdown and he told him the only thing that mattered, he was quitting drinking and smoking and was going through withdrawal symptoms. After shutting down the suggestion of antidepressants - Never. Fucking. Again. - and rehab, his doctor prescribed him clonidine in small doses for not too long to reduce his aching and tremors, and it might even reduce his chances of getting a panic attack if the withdrawals ever get especially bad.

So far, they've worked, although he still gets sick after nightmares and gets the usual urges. Legolas was always there for him whenever it happened.

His doctor had also suggested a couple of things that can help with quitting smoking, such as chewing gum or using a flavored toothpick to keep both his mouth and hands busy. A psychological thing that he knows he will end up explaining to Legolas at some point. The scientist can nearly not believe that Legolas can soak all of this new knowledge he's learning like a fucking ShamWow towel.

Jupiter lifted his head upon hearing the front door close and footsteps coming towards him. His nerves from earlier returned full force once he saw the elf. Now he was extra self-conscious about how he looked, Legolas was just so... Damn.

"H-Hey..." The redhead stuttered out pathetically once he stopped in front of him.

"Hello, Jupiter." Legolas greeted amusedly, his smile growing wider along with the pink tint in his cheeks as he watched golden eyes scan him up and down shamelessly.

It was for good reason too. How can he not look and admire at how amazing he is in modern clothing? Jupiter only wore a black leather jacket under a grey t-shirt with a random ass quote on it, the usual jeans, and sneakers. Casual like he asked. Legolas was wearing an old button-up dress shirt, colored a deep blue, with the long sleeves rolled up to just where his forearm starts like Jupiter usually does himself. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black jeans, a brown belt looped through the holes, and...

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now