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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


"Hear anythin'?"

"I am afraid not."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Jupiter."

The man groaned dramatically as he fell back from where he sat across Legolas with his arms splayed out, "This is hard."

It has been nearly a week since discovering that an old fairy tale wasn't actually a fairy tale, and with Jupiter's spring break finally over, they have yet to fully grasp their newly discovered... abilities. Although this was great and everything, this was the freakiest thing that has ever happened to him. The whole situation was just... bizarre. A nice bizarre, though.

Almost immediately after the drama went down in the lab, they had barricaded themselves in their room for nearly the rest of the day in order to try to figure this whole telepathy thing out. They both quickly found out that this entire learning process was going to be a challenge.

Throughout those days afterward, they discovered that it was slightly easier to 'connect' when they are touching and much easier when they are being intimate. It was relieving to find that there were ways to make it simpler for the both of them, but they were adamant in perfecting this without those aids. So, whenever they could, they would try to speak through the connection. Be it while with their friends or working in the lab, they took every chance they got.

Unfortunately, the strain they put on their 'connection', trying to speak to each other through it, gave them rather nauseating headaches.

There were rare times where they had succeeded, but they were mostly accidental. The first accidental one was when Jupiter had been sitting across from Legolas at the lab table, leaning his head on his propped up hand, and thoughts of how adorable he looked when focusing on his work filtered into said elf's mind. Jupiter still remembered the way his pencil abruptly stopped writing, his head snapping up as his eyes blew comically wide before he nearly climbed over the table to kiss the life out of the man.

The second time was when Jupiter somehow got dragged into sparring again, but this time with Aragorn. Somehow, with luck on his side, he had managed to pin him down using pure strength and a couple of tricks up his sleeve that he had not used on Legolas - which left the ranger unsuspecting. Then, while he was smirking with triumph as Manny knelt next to them while slapping her hand on the ground while counting down, he heard it.

Dirty thoughts from a horny elf that had thoroughly enjoyed watching how he used his strength to take his opponent down. The sight of Jupiter panting and sweating afterward apparently riled him up as well, feeding his thoughts.

Jupiter had been alarmed by the voice in his mind and looked over at Legolas, who was in a daze as he silently watched him. Before Manny could even get to number three, the scientist let go of Aragorn, stood, walked over to Legolas, picked him up bridal style, and rushed inside the house.

Legolas sighed with an affectionate smile glued onto his face. He can tell that Jupiter was lost in his thoughts again, which he didn't particularly mind. Seeing the pout on his face as he laid on the bed in front of him, shirtless, was enough for him to have trouble keeping himself from grinning like a fool. He expected himself to no longer act this way after so long, especially now that they are bonded, but it was still the little things that had Legolas feel like a young elleth madly in love, embarrassingly enough.

It was extremely early in the morning and was nearly time for Jupiter to begin his morning routine in order to get ready for school, so Legolas thought it was best to pull him out of his thoughts so that they can make do with what little time they have for the day. Crawling closer to him, he managed to maneuver himself so that he was straddling his hips.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now