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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


"Th-That was..."


"I-Is it... Is it always like that?"

"The only reference I have is from jerkin' off, but if ya still want an answer, fuck no. This was a million times better, seriously, I think I'm fuckin' shakin' again." He raised his clean hand, which was indeed trembling slightly, "Like, look at this shit!"

Legolas couldn't help but laugh breathlessly, feeling proud that he was the one that caused this reaction, although if the trembling goes on for any longer he's going to worry. "I think I am as well." He looked down at himself and huffed, dropping his head back on the bed, "I need a new tunic. Perhaps we should clean ourselves... Especially you."

Jupiter followed his gaze to his hand covered in... their essence. A wicked thought crossed his mind and a mischievous smirk rose up to his face. He kept eye contact with Legolas as he gave a testing lick to his hand. The elf blanched at him, "Jupiter!" He cried out incredulously.

"Mm, you taste good, sug'." He gave him a wink before sitting up and getting off the bed, disappearing into the bathroom.

Legolas groaned and covered his eyes with his forearm, making the man laugh in the bathroom as the water ran in the sink. It didn't take long for Jupiter to return with a damp washcloth, helping the blonde clean up before telling him to take his shirt off. As soon as it was taken off, a new band t-shirt was tossed to him and he slid it on as Jupiter put away the dirtied shirt.

The scientist sat back down beside him and gave the other a small smile when he received a short kiss, "Did you like it?"

"Did I like it?" The elf repeated the question as if it was the dumbest thing he has heard from Jupiter's mouth, "Of course, I did! I never thought it would be like that. It was amazing and I will admit, I'm more than willing to do it again with you right this second."

"Oh." Jupiter's eyebrows shot up, "Oh. Well then, why the hell didn't you stop me from cleanin' you up?"

"Because, my rose, I was afraid that it would end up going too far if we continued. Not to mention that I still have some concerns about what we just did."

"Concerns?... Do you regret it?"

"You are asking the most idiotic questions today, Jupiter. No, I do not regret it." Legolas sighed, "I just do not know how two males bond, it is unheard of and it was never explained to me, so I am just worried if what we did..." He trailed off.

"Oh," The redhead relaxed tremendously. "I mean, all we did was just rub our dicks together-"


"-So if you're talkin' about sexual intercourse, then what we did doesn't count as bondin'." He paused, "Woah, did we just find a loophole to the whole bonding thing?"

"I suppose." Legolas shrugged, relieved, although a bit embarrassed by how bluntly he was speaking of their previous... activities. Then he too paused, "Wait, Jupiter, you know how two males bond?"

"Of course I do."

The elf nearly rolled his eyes at his almost offended tone, "Do not leave me in the dark, tell me how it is done."

"Someone sounds eager- Ow! Fine, I'll stop teasin' you, jeez." Jupiter rubbed his arm where he had been punched rather hard. He loves the fact that Legolas doesn't hold back on him, "Two guys having sex is no different from how a male and female do it. Only... With more steps and a different place."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now