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Hey! So, if you hadn't seen my message on Wattpad, I said that I would post the next chapter today because of a surprise I have for you guys!

So, if you were wondering about the surgery I was supposed to get... It didn't happen lol. I need braces first before they could cut my gums open and they didn't pull anything out since they want to do it all at the same time, ooPS. Sorry about that, hehe, I'll warn all of you next time when I know for sure that it's going to happen.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


What had awoken Legolas was sunlight streaming through the curtains.

His already open, glazed eyes blink rapidly as he came to before squinting against the bright light. Legolas muttered under his breath unintelligibly whilst he instinctively reached out for the warmth that had been in his arms when he had fallen asleep, only to touch sheets that were slowly losing its previous warmth from the body that had laid there.

The elf was immediately alert, quickly sitting up and looking over to where his suitor should be. As he had thought, he wasn't. Just as he was about to call out his name, he registered the sound of the shower running behind the bathroom door. Breathing out a sigh of relief, he relaxed and decided to check the time using Jupiter's phone that was set on the nightstand beside his folded glasses.

To his surprise, it was noon. He wasn't sure what time it was last night when... Manny told him about Jupiter, but he was sure that the both of them had gotten at least seven hours of sleep, which was strange considering he usually needs no more than five hours to give his mind the rest it needs. Well, he supposes that he hasn't rested his mind for quite a while and it wasn't as if he was complaining, really.

Legolas's thoughts were interrupted when the bathroom door opened and some steam filtered in the room before completely disappearing through the air. Out came his rose, who now donned black gym shorts and a rather colorful, pastel tie-dye hoodie. The hoodie was white but had splotches of pink, blue, purple, and light green covering nearly the entirety of it.

The redhead was still drying his hair off as he walked out, furiously rubbing the small towel into his hair in an attempt to dry it off faster. With a huff, he haphazardly tossed it back into the bathroom, presumably into the hamper and spun around as he ran his fingers through his wild hair. He blinked when he saw a wide-awake elf sitting up on his bed, "Oh, you're awake."

"And you as well." Legolas gave him a small grin as he approached, "I assume you're feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks to you. I don't think I've slept that well in years. The shower helped with the aching a bit." Jupiter sat on the edge of the bed right next to the elf and was quick to catch him off guard with a peck on the tip of his nose. It briefly made Legolas go cross-eyed at the sudden move and blush, "You scared the shit out of me when I woke up. I didn't think the whole sleeping with your eyes open was actually a thing with elves."

"Ah, yes, I should have warned you, but I wasn't expecting to do so last night, especially for so long." Legolas then suddenly frowned slightly, "Your accent has disappeared."

"What do you- Oh. The whole southern dialect thing. At this point, I'm just used to covering it up so I wouldn't draw attention at Hell- I mean, school."

"Well, can you perhaps... Not conceal it from me? Only if it is alright with you, I do not want to force you."

Jupiter looked at him for a long moment before climbing on top of Legolas, pushing the other back down on the bed and straddling his hips while placing his forearms on either side of his head to support himself above him. The blonde sucked in a sharp breath when their lips brush against each other, "Jupiter?..."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now