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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


It's been way too long since Jupiter had the opportune time to enjoy a soothing violent game that consists of constantly spraying bullets into a hoard of zombies of all kinds - be it slow, fast, in hell dog form, or creepy fuckers that crawl and leave behind a trail of green fumes.

Two of his teammates were still able to keep up with him at round sixteen, his third teammate - a complete stranger - having long since died during the third round.

He was clad in his boxers as he slumped back in his computer chair with a headset on as to not to disturb his sleeping elf prince behind him. Yes. Sleeping. As in his eyes were closed, muttering incoherent words beneath his breath every now and then. Jupiter wasn't sure which was weirder - seeing Legolas 'sleeping' with his eyes open or sleeping like a human.

Legolas didn't particularly enjoy the nights where he slept like a human, considering that he is not as alert with his surroundings as he is in his more meditative state. Also, the times where he has dreams - they are more often than not unpleasant. So far, from what Jupiter can observe and can feel through their link, his dream was either blankness or nothing concerning.

From the corner of his eye, Jupiter can see the beginnings of light seeping through the cracks of the curtains. He withheld a bitter chuckle as he tried to imagine what he looked like at the moment. Even with Legolas by his side, he had only gotten a mere three hours of sleep and has been mindlessly playing video games for the rest of the night ever since he realized that he was not going to be able to fall back asleep. It was a bit annoying when that happens. Usually, nightmares are the cause of his sleeplessness, but Legolas chases them away by his mere presence. Night terrors, as well, but, again, Legolas always manages to soothe him back to sleep. Sometimes, though, there are nights where he simply wakes up and just... can't go back to sleep. For no reason.

As the game moves onto the next round, he quickly reaches his hand up to rub at his eye beneath his lenses. He most likely had dark circles under his eyes considering how heavy they felt. His appearance overall as well probably seem exhausted and ruffled. Jupiter returned his hand to his controller and the shine of the screen in front of him gave him a glimpse of the faint bruises on his wrists. His mood lifted at the sight, a smirk appearing. It's the weekend, yet they still haven't gone away.

Jupiter can still clearly remember what happened the day after he and Legolas tried out something new in the bedroom. He hadn't noticed at first, but the blonde had gasped, panicking at the sight of his bruised wrists. The scientist had nearly laughed as Legolas's hands hovered over him unsurely as he babbled out apologies. He had managed to calm him down by giving him a kiss, telling him that they didn't hurt and only got bruised because of the yanking and tugging he had done. Jupiter made sure that Legolas knew that he would one-hundred percent do it again.

"Hey, Jay," A deep, yet friendly voice came through his headset. Jupiter recognized the voice of one of the very few people he friended with on the game console; everyone called him DJ. "I'm down, mind helping a brother out?"

He made some kind of noise to indicate that he heard him, his character quickly heading over to him whilst clearing the way. Their other teammate covered them as Jupiter healed DJ, "DJ, how did you get downed already?" Their other teammate was also part of his tiny friend list. He refers to himself as- "Jinx is superior to you all, he knows, but as mighty as he is, he can't really take all of these nasty peasants by himself." ...He also tends to speak in third person most of the time.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now