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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Dear Mr. Holo,

This is in regard to your application to the-...

Dear Mr. Holo,

Thank you for your interest in-

Dear Mr. Holo,

We are sorry to inform you-

Dear Mr. Holo,

Thank you for your interest in our program. We have received numerous applicants that showed great excellence, most of which we are unable to accept due to our strict criteria. After reviewing your application carefully, we have noted that your entry fits all criteria, but it is with our deepest regrets that we were unable to accept you. Unfortunately, we are only able to accept a limited amount of students for this year and...

It's in our best interest to select applicants with interests that match closely with faculty members.

Jupiter stared unblinkingly at his screen. He wasn't surprised. Not one bit.

Yet, for some reason, it was still haunting to see those near-same pixelated words in every single rejection letter he received. Every goddamn one. The frustration was suffocating and he knew his hands were balled up into fists as they shook - just like when he first read all of the e-mails a few days ago. He wasn't sure why he went back to look at them again, but he began clicking before he realized what he was doing.

It wasn't fair.

The sample of his research he submitted with each and every application showed nothing but perfection. He knew it and they knew it as well, it would be stupid for them to reject him, and he wasn't sure why he had hoped they would accept him just because everything on his application was perfect. Logically, he should go to a university outside of California, but even with the money passed down to him, it wouldn't be enough to pay for that kind of change. His parents' life savings weren't flooding the bank or anything like that.


He knew that dad's reputation wasn't the greatest among his colleagues. He wasn't a bad person, God no, he had to be the purest person Jupiter has ever known in his entire life, it was his research and his views that got their panties in a twist. Jupiter had been fully aware of others' dislike for Lynx as a kid, but he didn't give two shits about it. He continued to look up to him and Lynx went along with it, taking him under his wing. He showed him the ropes of chemistry, biology, physics, etcetera, then off to reversing blindness, limb regeneration...

But he never spoke a word about his research on the existence of other worlds.

Lynx would answer every question Jupiter had to ask, explain anything that he wanted, but he never spoke of that one specific project of his. He always steered the conversation towards another direction or blatantly change the subject.

And now after talking to Anthony...

It was clear to him now why exactly everyone thought Lynx was a lunatic among other researchers.

Jupiter needed answers. He wanted to know why his reputation had made such a horrible impact that it's affecting him as well, and not only that, if everything Anthony said was true, then he needed to find what's left of his studies.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now