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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter joined Manny in bed under the covers without disturbing her, although it would be hard to considering her snores. He sighed, making himself comfortable as the girl beside him unconsciously turned on her side to face him and curl up into his side. For a brief moment, he wished that the elf reading the last couple of chapters of the bioenergetic book downstairs was cuddling him instead.

The second he had come back home a few hours ago, the scientist immediately stole Legolas from the intense Uno game everyone was participating in and brought him to the lab. After tearing off his tie, and accidentally unbuttoning a few buttons of his shirt along the way, he had wrapped his arms around his One and nuzzled into his neck as Legolas laughed whilst returning the embrace happily.

Once the ellon managed to pry him off of him, Legolas had excitedly told him about what else he had learned from the bioenergetics book which quickly led to question after question shot at Jupiter. He answered each one patiently, eventually leading to him showing Legolas all of the books that he can read to have more of an understanding of the content in the one he was currently reading.

It had been relaxing with Jupiter easing himself into interdimensional research while the elf was given an advanced biology textbook that was flipped to a chapter that thoroughly explained what exactly cells are. The man had even found music on Spotify that was relaxing but wasn't too boring, and played it as a quiet background noise.

Jupiter had severely underestimated the speed at which Legolas was going to finish the chapter and get a complete understanding of it. It was in the middle of writing an observation down into his notebook at the computer desk did the elf approach him, grabbing his attention by placing his hand on his shoulder. He stopped writing immediately and spun his chair around to face Legolas, "Yeah?"

Legolas's face was flushed and had prompted Jupiter to raise a brow at the sight, wondering what could have caused it. Luckily, his internal questions were answered when he asked, "Do you not remember what you promised me?"

At first, his suitor was confused, but he appeared to remember after a moment and then smirked, "Oh, yeah, I said that I would do whatever you wanted. What do you desire, Legolas?"

"You." The archer had said before he could even stop himself.

"Hm... Yeah, I desire me too. A better love story than Twilight, I'd say."

The reference flew right over Legolas's head considering how he has never seen Twilight - Jupiter will protect him from those movies at all costs - but nonetheless, the exasperated elf gave him a half-hearted glare, "Brat."

"Brat?" He repeated, chuckling, "That's a new one. Alright, I'm sorry, that was mean. You've been waiting all night for me, so I'm all your's."

Jupiter yelped when Legolas immediately pounced, kissing the life out of him as he got comfortable on his lap. He wasn't complaining at all, but all throughout their seemingly endless time kissing he was a bit worried that Legolas was getting an addiction from it. It was the first official day of being together, yet they have already done more than he has ever done in his past relationships and it has only been a day... Well, a day and a half if you count the other night. However, the worry was erased when Legolas took control of the kiss this time and he sank into his touch. To be completely honest, he was addicted as well.

Unfortunately, before they could go as far as they had earlier that day, Jupiter had to pull and turn his head away to yawn in his hand. Legolas only smiled fondly and told him that it was late, climbing off of his lap.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now