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Yesterday, I went on a field trip to an amusement park and pretty much passed out when I got home. I woke up today at around one thirty and at two I was put with the task of babysitting my nephew and niece (as I write this, my niece is playing her heart out on a recorder and my nephew is watching truck videos on my phone), so I would have made this longer if I wasn't so tired.

WARNING: I may have a chem class, but I'm not a chemist. Thank you, Google.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


With everyone asleep, the house was much quieter, ignoring the fact that he can make out faint snores. Jupiter wasn't sure what time it was, maybe two or three in the morning, he didn't care. It hasn't been long since he had woken up from another nightmare that luckily didn't wake Manny up this time.

He knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep after that, so he grabbed his laptop and sat himself down on the couch. He kept a cool pillow to lean on in order to not further irritate his tattoo, keeping himself shirtless so that the rough material of his shirt won't irritate it. The first week was always the worse to deal with.

Ignoring the pain on his shoulder blade and the back of his neck, he furiously typed on his keyboard, every now and then writing in his notebook. If he was going to stay up late, he might as well try to forget the cause of waking him up and start researching about electricity while sipping on some beer. He needed every source he can get about it, his own brain, his notebooks, his textbooks, even the internet - being careful with the information he found of course.

It's been a few days since he got arrested and one day throughout it, Isabelle tried to jump Manny after school in order to get back at him somehow. Let's just say that she was unsuccessful considering how it earned her a slap that most likely stung the rest of the day.

After that, they all settled on glares. Jupiter's so called friends ditched him for Ray - he wasn't surprised, never considered them friends anyway - but it didn't lower his popularity one bit. In fact, now that he was single, all of the girls who were into him have been walking up to him randomly to flirt and try to give their number to him. They were all unsuccessful in their goals.

The Fellowship seemed to be impressed when he had told them why he was arrested, other than Legolas who was the only one worried and nursing his bruised cheek despite his protests. When everyone had finished eating some ice cream that Manny had suggested on all of them trying - he will make sure that Pippin and Merry never lays a hand on soda after that - Manny had dragged the both of them back into his room to begin his punishment for causing trouble, even though it technically wasn't his fault, and to talk to him about his latest discovery.

She first made the both of them use face masks, he will never admit that it was relaxing, and made him give her a foot massage. Luckily, after babbling about how she still loves him no matter what and how she would be his wing woman whenever need be, she had fallen asleep half an hour into it all. He hates to say it, but he was happy that she told him that, easing any other worries of what she would think of him when he suddenly blurted it out away.

The scientist let out a deep sigh as he picks up his notebook and uses the light of his laptop to read what was on it. What he gathered from his own knowledge was that electricity travels and is the flow of electrons.

The television is both an entrance and exit, but who knew? It could be a laptop or a game boy even. They all use electricity, but the question is how is it an entrance and exit? It frustrated him, the scientific babble he scribbled out didn't make much of a difference of answering his questions. He needs to start relying on other information he had gathered to piece everything together.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now