978 41 15

Another chappy that's a bit long. :D Enjoy!

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter was having a small crisis.

Everywhere he had gone that day, he noticed how his eyes lingered on particular people. He noticed how his thoughts strayed as would any other guy would. The problem? They were all dudes.

This isn't the first time this happened. He'll admit that he dated so many girls in middle school partially to distract him from this problem of his that he just could not understand. Since he had dated so often, the distraction helped tremendously and he pushed away his subconscious trying to tell him that this was the wrong way to deal with his discovery.

Now he understood why his younger self wanted a distraction from this. It was beyond perplexing for him and he wasn't sure whether or not to trust his subconscious with this situation. But then again, when he had kissed his exes it just felt... wrong. Even when it was just a little peck. Somewhere in him, he desired lips to move against his from a specific person and they certainly weren't fe-


Okay, he needs a distraction before his brain melts from all of this deep reading of his feelings. Long since has he cleaned up his room of it's mess, having spent the Sunday morning patching up the hole he had punched into the wall and the old ones along the way. As he did all of this, including going out to buy the supplies he needed to fix the hole, Manny had went off to go to her apartment to move out.

Frodo had took it upon himself to help her and she did not protest at all. In fact, Jupiter was surprisingly the one to push them out the door with a sickly sweet smirk and told them not to have too much fun. Oh, he just loved teasing that girl. Hopefully she won't pass out from fangirling while having alone time with her favorite hobbit.

Deciding that going on the internet was just begging for him to see some bullshit that he rather not see that had to do with two certain pieces of shit - cough Isabelle and Ray cough - he went over two other options. Either go down to the lab or read a book that he had on his bookshelf. Honestly, he rarely read despite how many books there were. They all mostly consisted of books read to him when he was a child as a bed time story. Maybe he should read one about bioenergetics that he bought out of spite at the time, but maybe it will have something that'll help with his lab work.

He glided over to his bookcase against the wall - he was still shocked that his enraged self didn't decide to push it over - and scanned over the titles written on the spine of the books. He easily found the thick book and slid it out of it's confinements, cursing when a book came out along with it and onto the floor. Kneeling down, he made to pick it up, but froze when his eyes read the hard cover of the book.

Jupiter's cheeks warmed from embarrassment, remembering that this was also a purchase that he made from a spur of the moment. He had seen it in the bookstore and... And he just couldn't resist it, especially when he read the basic summary on the back of it.

The title silently taunted him as he stared back. The Peculiar Wonders of Love, Sexuality, and Sexual Orientation it said. Sexual orientation were the two words that stuck out to him like a sore thumb. Putting back the bioenergetics book, he reached for the book that had nothing but a black cover and white words written in cursive consisting of the title and author.

"I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?" He muttered to himself before standing up fully, kicking off his shoes, and collapsing onto his bed. Grumbling to himself in displeasure of his curiosity getting the best of him, he stumbled upon the table of contents and flipped straight to the part of the book that pestered his mind.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now