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WARNING: Legolas is pissed.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Frantic knocking was what had startled Legolas out of his little world, looking away from the half-read book. As he stood up to rush to the door, he heard Manny shout, "Legolas, you dang hermit, open up the door! I know you're sulking, but we have a really bad situation right now!"

Within seconds he had swung the door open and the woman grabbed his wrist, dragging him down the hallway swiftly. They entered the living room where everyone was at, and Legolas could only assume that Manny had woke them up for the same reason she had suddenly dragged him out of the basement so late during the night. He also noticed that Aragorn was the only one not in the clothing he wears when he goes to bed, instead, he was in clothes that allowed him to move freely. Not only that, he had the ellon's dual knives in his hands.

"Tell us what happened, lass!" Gimli demanded upon their arrival, sitting beside a yawning Merry, "Have ya heard something of the other lad?"

"Yeah," They all squawked indignantly when she stripped off her shirt and carelessly tossed it to the floor, grabbing the shirt that she had hastily ripped out of Jupiter's drawer as she was hopping into a new pair of pants and sneakers before she ran down the hall while knocking on everyone's doors to wake them up, having no time whatsoever to put the shirt on until now. "Quit it already. Anyway-" She slid her new shirt on, "Ethan's brother just called not too long ago and it's ten times worse than we thought it was."

Frodo's eyes widen, his red cheeks quickly fading to a deathly pale, "Do not tell me-"

"No, he's not dead or dying, thank God, but he's definitely at their house." She hastily pulled her hair up in a secure ponytail, "We were right about Ethan being involved and, oh man, all of you aren't going to like this. The guy freaking kidnapped Jupiter! As in chaining him up with a shackle like a flipping animal with a damn electric dog collar around his neck, which the bastard can activate to electrocute him!"

"What?" Legolas growled out dangerously low followed by his equally outraged friends, who were on their feet now.

"Yeah, no wonder he hasn't beaten the crap out of Ethan. And don't you even start with the 'you're a woman' bullcrap because I'm going. You see these fists?" She held up her balled up little hands and then lifted up her leg, "You see these legs? Jupiter may be the baddest bitch around, but I grew up with two older brothers who liked to wrestle. If any of you try to stop me from going into that house, I will kick you straight in the baby-maker. Got it?"

Pippin and Merry nodded immediately with their mouths glued shut, while the others nodded hesitantly. What she said was... true. They have all witnessed her on multiple occasions keeping Jupiter in check when he is about to do something that was particularly rash. "Good..." She breathed out a sigh and began to speak more softly, "I wish all of you can come with us, I really do, but you have to understand. This is a stealthy mission thing, and I trust Aragorn and Legolas the most to be just that since they have years of experience. No offense."

"I take no offense." Boromir stepped towards her and rests a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze, "We all understand your reasoning. It would be best, anyway, for Gimli and I to watch over the halflings in order to keep them from doing anything that would cause them danger. I trust Aragorn and Legolas to protect you if need be. I wish you three the best of luck, we all miss Jupiter terribly."

Manny smiled and chuckled, "Jupiter would get a kick out of that if he heard you say that. Probably wouldn't even believe it..." She murmured at the end so low that none of them heard her. Other than Legolas, of course.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now