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The picture above is what Isabelle looks like - or what she generally looks like. :) (I edited it to make her hair is a bit darker.)

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter felt himself being shaken as he was roused from his sleep. He groaned, swatting away whatever was jostling him as he curled up in his blanket. He heard an annoyed huff and he was satisfied that whatever was trying to fully wake him up had given up. As he slowly felt himself sink back into darkness, there was the sensation of his bed moving before-

He cried out in alarm when he was thrown off his bed and onto the hard ground. Jupiter groaned as his arm screamed in pain, having landed on it upon impact. He opened his eyes as he turned onto his back and glared up at the snickering brunette, "What the hell, Manny?"

"Don't look at me like that, you wouldn't wake up!" She said with her hands on her hips, "You're lucky my phone went off, otherwise we both would have slept in. You're usually the one waking me up."

"Slept in?" Jupiter rasped, rubbing his eye tiredly while he sat up, "What are you talking about?"

"You fell asleep on the bench swing last night." Manny said looking down at him pointedly, "Now hurry up and get ready, or else I'm going to school without you."

"Yeah, yeah, sweet cheeks. Just gimme a sec." He said as he slowly stood up.

After Manny went back inside the house, Jupiter's vision cleared and he took a quick look around him. Just like she had said, he was outside and was right next to the bench swing, but how was that possible? Didn't he go back to his room after leaving the lab?

Then he remembered what he had done after eating some food. He had been listening to Legolas sing like some kind of creep before the guy ended up finding out that he was there, and after joining him on the bench he planned on listening to just one more song before apparently falling asleep right there on the bench after finishing his cigarette. He turned his attention to both the blanket in his hand and the pillow on the bench that were definitely not there before he fell asleep. Did Legolas?...

"Jupiter, hurry up!"

"Shut up, Manny! You're too loud in the morning!" He shouted back.


"Alright, so I have our numbers written on a piece of paper on the fridge, there are sandwiches in there that you can eat for lunch with some fruit, and if anyone knocks on the door don't answer it just wait until they leave. We'll be back at three and-"

"Jupiter, there is no need to worry." Aragorn chuckled in amusement, he and everyone else relieved that Jupiter was back to his normal self.

"Yes, we'll be good!" Pippin chirped and Merry nodded with him. He highly doubted it.

The red head sighed, shaking his head, "Sorry, I'll get going. Oh, and you two better not eat anymore of my candy, I'll know. Legolas, feel free to eat the chocolate."

"Hey, nerd, quit being a mom! We're gonna be late!"

Grabbing his bag he said his last farewells before hurrying out to the car. He had a feeling that today was going to be longer than it usually was.


Jupiter was relieved when lunch time came around. He didn't eat any of the cafeteria food of course, the food there was an abomination and the lunch ladies should be ashamed of themselves for cooking such piles of shit. Instead, he bought a bag of Doritos and an orange, and munched on them as he watched Manny finish her homework for next period.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now