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WARNING: Oops, it gets kinda angsty again.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Everything was blurry as if he were trying to see the world around him underwater, but rather than various shades of blue swirling around him, there was green, brown, and speckles of autumn colors. Although everything he heard around him was muffled - was that yelling? - he can hear his own shaky breaths clearly.

He can feel his own hand clenching around something with a rough, hard material. An ache appeared in his limb, but not even for a second did he loosen it, he merely tightened it whenever the barely audible sound in the background rose an octave. Soul-crushing fear held him in a vice grip. He did not know what was making him so scared... He can feel hot tears streaming down his cheeks without any sign of stopping.

He can hear his own heartbeat now. It was rapidly pumping in such a speed that it felt as if it was going to pop and he so desperately wants to know why he was so afraid. He wanted to shut his eyes and cover his ears while curling up into a ball. He wanted this to be over. He wanted all of it to just stop!...

His head moves on its own, looking up at a dark shadow that towered over him. Suddenly, the brilliant colors around him faded into a lifeless grey as he shakily stood up as quickly as he could. As clear as day, tiny, pale hands that were not his own shakily came up in his view, holding onto a dagger that was much too big for someone his size. The weapon was pointed at the shadow, violently shaking his mouth opened... He felt no vibration in his throat. The shadow's shoulders shook. It was laughing.

The dagger in his hands was whacked out of his grip easily before what felt like a large foot slammed into his stomach. He coughed roughly as the pain rocked through his small body and he trembled as he pushed himself back up on his hands, desperately trying to scramble backward while keeping his horrified gaze on the shadow.

A muffled, quiet huff left it, its shoulders no longer shaking. It raised something that it was holding in its hands and he flinched when he heard the tightening of an arrow being pulled back on the string of a bow as if it was done right by his ears. He could run. He could try to stand and run, but he was restrained, invisible tendrils pinning him to the ground.

The shadow paused and looked to the side right before it switches its grip on the weapon, blocking another. Another blurry shape, one much smaller and more human than the shadow, attacked it, holding it off. The human-like blur looked at him and screamed something, but he couldn't hear. He knows they were telling him to run, but he couldn't. He tried tugging at his heavy limbs, yet they just wouldn't budge.

The fight was quick and short. His savior sunk their weapon to the shadow's chest... Just as it sunk its own blade into her stomach.

A scream ripped out of him as he watched the both of them fall and he finally, finally, moves. Forcing himself to stand, he ran to the human-like blur as the colors of them shifted dramatically and he fell to his knees next to them, shaking their motionless body.

His vision cleared.

An elleth laid before him, her dress ruined by the blood rapidly seeping out of her wound and pooling around her body, coating the dry blades of grass around them. His sobs nearly deafen himself along with the cries of victory of who he knew were his people. His eyes trailed up towards the elleth's face, whimpering at the sight of her deathly pale skin and dulled light, ashy brown hair that flowed into waves right above her shoulders.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now