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WARNING: You're going to hate me.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


He should have known. Deep down he knew, but he was in such denial yesterday that he didn't even consider the idea, the cold truth. But... But it's ten times worse now. Now he really knew. Were the dreams conjured up by the same thing that made his mother see what she had saw?

His heart felt as if it was being ripped out of his chest and stomped on. Why is fate so cruel? Why did that blurry face have to be his? Hell, deep down he already knew it was him... He's the only person that could be him. He gained feelings for him that were like no other and he ignored it for the most obvious reasons, but now the dream made him tired. He was tired of denying it to himself. When he's with him he just feels whole again.

His ୴ղᥴ will leave one day and it broke him. His ୴ղᥴ doesn't love him and it tore him apart. Someone who belongs literally worlds away, someone who is a completely different race and most definitely does not deserve him, is his ୴ղᥴ... and it completely and utterly destroyed him.

He smiled bitterly.

His eyes began to burn.

His hand began to sting.

Fate just enjoyed watching him slowly descend into anguish... Torturing him whenever something remotely good happens to him.

Was he in a living Hell?


Manny was the first to notice the change in Jupiter and it was terrifying her. It all started when he had made breakfast for them all like he usually did with Sam's help. Everything was fine in the beginning. She had been chatting it up with everyone at the table after Sam had told them all that the food was almost done, normal stuff right?

It was then that they came in with their breakfast did she notice his change. She had shrugged it off at first since sometimes Jupiter had random mood swings in the morning and she was a little distracted by God's greatest creation that was called food. But it was when Jupiter joined them - lately he has been keeping a close eye on her while she's eating - did she realize what was wrong. Instead of his usual smirk that easily slid onto his face was, well, a more strained smirk. Not only that... It was just... Empty.

Almost everything about him was empty and every time someone spoke to him, his answers were monotone and short. It disturbed her. It disturbed her because he was like this when he was younger and he has never done it since, not even during a certain time of the year where she most expected him to do so.

The only other person who seem to notice was Legolas. The others knew something was off, but brushed it off like she had earlier. Both Manny and Legolas were the only people who fully noticed.

It was when she followed Jupiter back into his room to get ready for school did she start the interrogation. Manny's eyes were hard and as cold as ice as she jabbed a finger into his chest, "What the heck happened?"

Jupiter looked rather surprised by her harsh demand, but quickly covered it up with a look just as cold. "Nothing happened."

"Don't give me that bullcrap!" She hissed at him, "You're bottling it all up again. I can tell, I've been by your side for how long now? You can't hide crap from me."

"I'm not bottling anything up," He rolled his eyes before making his way over to his desk, "Now stop spazzing out over nothing."

"Jupiter, I'm your best freaking friend." The declaration stopped him in his tracks, but he didn't turn around. "Don't we tell each other everything? I thought I got you to stop this... This whole thing you do when you're in pain! It's scaring me. It looks like you're not here anymore. It looks like, deep down, you want to die."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now