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This chapter is kind of a filler, but not really. I just got my braces a couple of days ago and my mouth is pretty sore so it was pretty hard to concentrate on writing this chapter xD

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy.

WARNING: I'm gonna be honest, I kinda ran out of ideas for this chapter lol. Don't worry, I have some things planned for next week's publish!

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


"So, Jupiter, I saw your post a few days ago. Mind explaining?"

"For fuck's sake."

Jupiter was just trying to go to the bathroom. Literally, all he wanted to do was take a piss and take a break from his teacher's boring ass lecture. He drank a shit ton of coffee this morning and it's going straight through him, so the last thing he needed right now was his ex-girlfriend somehow finding him and cornering him while he's trying to rush to the bathroom.

The bathroom was right there.

He really needs to go to the bathroom.

The girl rose a brow up at him expectantly, "Are you going to explain or not?"

"No, I am not going to explain, I think I made it extremely clear what I said. Now, I'm about to piss my pants so can you-"

"You're not gay. You've always dated girls, you dated me, you're not gay!"

...Peeing can wait.

Jupiter looked down at Isabelle incredulously, not exactly sure if she was being serious or not, "Excuse me? You interrupt my urgent trip to the fucking bathroom to tell me that?"

"Yes!" She threw her hands up and placed them on her hips afterward, "I know you, Jupiter. You're not into guys, you've always been with girls, so I'm not sure if this is some fucked up joke, or you're trying to make me jealous or something."

The redhead blinked owlishly down at her before snorting and snickering, "You- You really think-" A loud laugh left him, wrapping an arm around his stomach as he doubled over, "Y-You really think-" Jesus, he couldn't even finish his sentence. He expected himself to get angry, he even subtly used useless breathing exercises in preparation, but what she said made him greatly amused more than anything.

Isabelle's brows furrowed, "What? What's so funny?"

"Oh my go- Okay, I'm going to break this down for your dumbass." He straightened up, his laughs finally dwindling down to nothing and looked her straight in the eye, telling her slowly, "I'm. Extremely. Gay."


"I, Jupiter Holo, one of the baddest bitches around, am the proud boyfriend of a guy that's downright amazing and so hot that it should be illegal. Period."

"No... No, no, no." She shook her head, "No! This is-" A forced laugh left her, "You're lying! You are so lying, this can't be a joke, so you must be trying to make me jealous and get back with me, aren't you?"

"See, do all girls do that? Do they all come to these conclusions that make absolutely zero fucking sense because if they do, then I am so glad that I figured out I was gay after breaking up with you. Woah, holy shit, I said it again! I'm gay, Isabelle. Gay, gay, gay. Homosexual. Queer. I would use more synonyms but they're pretty offensive."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now