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WARNING: This chapter talks about a specific mental health issue. I have not experienced it myself, but be aware that I researched it for accuracy.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


"Hey, Ju-"


"What the f- I didn't even ask for anything, yet!"

"Answer is still no."

Manny put her hands on her hips as she pouted down at Jupiter, "You're a jerk. And why in the frickle-frackle are you doing your homework?"

Jupiter's hand paused from scratching any more math equations into his notebook and slowly raised his head to properly look at Manny. He was genuinely confused. He had seen everyone - and he meant everyone, including Manny - go outside to do whatever. The men were training the hobbits, the dwarf was busying himself with tinkering on his ax, Legolas was training with his bow, and Manny had been stretching out on the ground, barefoot, for some reason. The lovely warm air and the light breeze gave him a sudden desire to do his homework. It put him at peace, in a way, hearing the clanking of metal and thumping of an arrow meeting wood in the background.

He felt that he shouldn't waste this chance of doing school work and actually enjoying it, which... Never happens. Does that happen to anyone at all? He doubts it. So, after making his decision, he grabbed everything he needed, sat on the bench swing with his bare feet tucked underneath him and got to work. And now Manny was interrupting his peace and quiet. "Um..." He blinked, "...Am I not supposed to be doing my homework?"

"I mean, you are, but it's just, y'know, weird seeing you do your homework without looking like you want to murde- Anyway," She sighed deeply. "I need your help."

Jupiter sighed. And he had been almost finished with the painfully easy algebra homework, "With what?"

"Just stretching. My instructor needs me all noodly like you are, so I need your help again."

"Can you quit calling me noodly?" He sighed as he set aside his books, standing up.

"Well, it's true. I mean, you were-"

"No," The redhead pointed at her sternly, "We do not mention the dark days."

Manny held up her hands in defense with a shit-eating grin, "My bad, I forgot. So?..."

The man grumbled as he snatched one of her hands out of the air before dragging her off the porch and back onto the lawn. The uncomfortable sensation of long, dry, grass beneath his feet made him grimace as he tried to remember the last time he bothered to cut the grass. Before he could even think too hard on it, Manny ripped her hand out of her grip and plopped down onto the ground, "Alright, noodle-nerd, work your magic!"

"Don't make me dislocate your knee." He threatened as he knelt down, grabbing her leg to begin one of the easier stretches. Manny only laid back and relaxed, letting him do all the work. He went easy on her at first before going further until she was taking steadying breathes as a slight burn appeared in her hamstrings.

In order to distract herself from the painful stretch of her muscles, she took a look around in the backyard, watching everyone train. Today's training was more laid-back compared to other days. It was a pleasant change in the routine and it lifted Manny's overall mood significantly as she watched Frodo pounce on Boromir from behind in retaliation of getting his sword stolen and also knocking Sam's sword out of his hand.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now