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This chapter is a bit longer than usual! Enjoy! :D

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


His head fucking hurt.

He has had some bad hangovers, but this is the first time he drank to the point where he passed out from exhaustion and the sheer amount of alcohol that was going through him. It didn't surprise him at all when he woke up with a killer headache, and with a knot in his neck and back after sleeping on a log.

Now heading back home after realizing that the sun is almost all the way up from the horizon, he didn't bother fixing his clothes. His shirt was half tucked, his tie was extremely loose, and a little dirt was on his clothes. He can also imagine that he himself looked like shit with sickly skin - considering he threw up right after waking up - and dark circles under his golden eyes.

To get rid of the taste of vomit from his mouth, he took a couple of sips of what was left of his drink since it was the only thing he had on him at the moment. Jupiter felt like absolute crap both physically and emotionally. He didn't even want to go back home. He just wanted to go to a hotel and just stay there for a while alone to fully process what had happened last night.

Jupiter fumbled with his keys as he approached the back door, unlocking it, stepping in, and slamming it behind him. He went towards the stairs to go to his comfortable, fluffy bed and go into a deep slum- "There you are, you piece of shit!"

He froze at his spot and looked over to see everyone in the living room. The Fellowship were staring at him in shock at his state with Manny, and then there was her. Emotions that he should have felt last night rose up again and he glared at the blonde girl that was wearing the same outfit as last night. He pointed at her with the hand that held his whiskey, "You. You get out of my fucking house."

Isabelle was just as shocked as everyone else by his exclamation, but she quickly recovered and glared back. "Me? Leave? I deserve an explanation of why you ditched me at the party! What were you doing? Getting drunk?" She gestures to the bottle that he was holding.

"I'm the one who should be asking what you were doing, Isabelle. Get out, I'm already pissed off and I'm two seconds away from literally kicking you out."

"How dare you!" The cheerleader screeched, approaching him. "Why don't you ever listen to me? You're not the victim here, so shut up and tell me why you left me!"

"You know what, Isabelle, I'm fucking sick of it!" Jupiter bursts, "You're so ungrateful! What the fuck happened to you, huh?! You just want more, more, more, complaining when I give you the shit you want. And for your information, I do listen, because I actually cared about you. I gave a fuck about you!"

"What?! Me, ungrateful?! I've been with you for how long now? You should be the one apologizing for being such a dick-"

"You fucked your stepbrother!" He screamed at her, all of his pent-up anger being put into those haunting words, causing everyone in the room to jump.

"She did what?!" Manny shouted incredulously.

"Jupiter... Honey bun... It-.. It wasn't-"

"You fucked your stepbrother, Isabelle. I saw you. I saw you having some good ol' fun with Ray," He growled, "What did you say again while the both of you were having your little fun behind my back? 'Oh, Ray? Harder?'"

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now