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WARNING: I know the warnings say light angst, but this chapter gets pretty depressing. Grab some tissues. We all knew this was going to happen at some point.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


The occupants in the living room watched with concern as Legolas bounced his knee from where he sat at the seat that he and Jupiter usually share, thunder rumbling outside of the house.

It was crystal clear to everyone in the room that the elf, who was completely oblivious to the gazes directed towards him, was the most anxious about the news out of everyone. Frodo, too, appeared distressed and unhappy with the wait, but his anxiousness did not seep out of him as much as Legolas's did. However, nobody voiced out their worry, they all remained silent as the minutes stretched on endlessly.

They were all startled out of their thoughts when Legolas's head snapped up just in time for Jupiter to come walking in from the hallway, a clipboard holding the dreaded results they all had been waiting for in his hands.

Jupiter stood in front of them all, standing at the same exact spot he was at on their first night together. He did not meet any of their eyes as he flipped through the multiple pieces of paper - as if to double check something - before flipping them all back down to their original position. The scientist then briefly ran his fingers through his wild hair before addressing all of them, "Okay... So-"

"Can you just tell us already?!" Manny bursts out, wincing right after when she was given a small glare by her best friend, "Sorry... I'm just-... y'know..."

He shook his head, "It's fine, don't worry about it, you're not the only one stressed out about this." Jupiter looked at the others as well, "Sorry for the wait, guys. It's just that when I got your blood and started working on it, I was able to pinpoint what exactly I should be searching with the help of my notes and it stretched on from there..."

Once he finished his statement, Legolas watched as his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly and suddenly, he had the desire to leave the room in order to not hear the results.

"I got good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Bad." Pippin said almost immediately and Merry nodded his agreement.

Jupiter didn't even glance over at them, his gaze remained on the blonde, "Sorry, but I wasn't talking to you two. I was talking to Legolas."

Legolas tensed slightly and looked down, contemplating which one he should choose. Jupiter appeared just as shaken up as he did both physically and emotionally, so whatever the bad news was... "Good news, first."

The redhead appeared relieved that he chose that. Jupiter adjusts his glasses, "Alright, good news it is. Good news is that with the help of Legolas, we found out that the electrical current running through you all is decreasing and it's nothing life-threatening. All of you should be comple-" Strangely enough, he flinched when there was another roll of thunder. He took a deep breath, "Completely healthy."

"The bad news?" Sam inquired after he was finished.

Jupiter stared at the hobbit for a moment before shaking his head, "Um... Right." He quickly looked down, "Bad news is... Is that I fucking figured all of this shit out. For real this time. Legolas... You were right."

Silence enveloped the entire room for what felt like hours after this statement. No one made a noise, breathed, or even blinked. Legolas was the first to speak up, his shaky voice barely a whisper, "What?"

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now