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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter had been very tempted to tell Anthony what his surname is.

However, he kept his mouth shut.

Even though the man was rather confused that he brushed off his odd reaction, Jupiter knew that this wasn't the time to tell him. Right when Anthony was going to ask about it, a nurse came over with paperwork for him to sign and the conversation was luckily forgotten.

Tony sighed as he scribbled on the second page of the pile of papers pinned to the clipboard, "This entire thing is a mess and it's only going to get messier after Cana is better. There's getting Minerva in jail, the damages in the apartment, the bills..."

"Hey," Jupiter placed a hand on his shoulder to give it a reassuring squeeze, "I know that even before this you've had it rough, and if you seriously need it, I can help out."

The young father paused in reading the next lines of words on the paper and looked at Jupiter with furrowed brows. The gears were shifting in his head before something clicked, his eyes nearly bulging as they widened. He spluttered for a moment before shaking his head vigorously, "No. No way. I can't- You've already done so much, I can't do that, plus you're just a kid, you need your money for college-"

"Anthony, I pay my own bills alongside my best friend. I was lucky enough to find a job as a waiter that gives amazing paychecks and tips, but still, sometimes that isn't enough and I struggle. Even when I do struggle, I don't ever use the money my parents passed down to me unless it's an emergency. The first time I've ever touched it was for the hospital bills when Manny almost died..."

Jupiter moved his hand away before leaning back in his seat, "In my opinion, this is an emergency. I don't mind helping you, I really don't, but it's on you if you want the help or not."

Tony bit his bottom lip as he looked down, tapping his pen in a rhythmic manner before shaking his head again, "I... I don't know. Are you sure? You're not screwing with me?"

"I'd never mess with you like that, especially in this situation."

He took a deep breath, "Okay... Okay, I'll... I have to think about this."

"Sure, no worries."


Legolas isn't one for snooping...

But he had been completely and utterly bored and had nothing better to do, so it was his last resort.

Earlier on during the day, he had been rather upset with the news that Jupiter had rushed out before leaving in a hurry. It stayed like that for some hours until Jupiter finally called all of them to say that the doctor arrived, telling them that Cana will be alright after suffering a concussion and extreme blood loss. It was a miracle, really. Relieved and still a little worried, Legolas separated from the group, trailing up the stairs and into the bedroom.

He ended up rifling through his and Jupiter's shared closet before smiling and pulling out the tie-dyed white hoodie that he remembers his husband wearing a long time ago. He can still clearly remember when he had worn it, it was the morning after the night terror incident and it was also the morning where the more intimate side of their relationship began. Legolas couldn't help, but bury his face into the dyed fabric and take a deep breath. It still smelt like Jupiter.

Moving on, he took off his pants to leave himself in his boxers before slipping on the hoodie. He sighed in satisfaction upon immediately being surrounded by soft fabric. He can see why Jupiter wears these all the time, they feel wonderful.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now