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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Sunday was uneventful. They all woke up, ate and did what they wanted - either to train, watch TV, or goof around both inside and outside, the usual routine that everyone quickly picked up on. At this point, it was safe to say that Jupiter and Manny were no longer weirded out that the Fellowship were living with them... Well, as much as they can be considering they come from a different world.

And speaking of Jupiter, he was completely and utterly bored out of his mind. That morning he had tried to go down to the basement to continue his research on his newest guinea pigs, but one of those little piggies and his dear best friend had caught him in the act, and therefore banned him from working anymore. The others had agreed to giving him a break after one look at him.

He laid on his bed with a big bag of Skittles on his stomach, popping piece after piece of sugary candy into his mouth. Usually, he would care about what flavor he was eating but right now he was too bored to care. Being forced to relax doesn't mean he's able to relax. When he wants to relax, he'll relax, not when someone wants him to relax.

Jupiter breathed out a sigh and reached into the bag again to grab another Skittle. His brows furrow as the tips of his fingers met only plastic. He peered into the bag to find nothing, but air in the gigantic bag. With a growl of frustration, he grabbed the bag and threw it towards a random place in his room. That's it. He can't take it anymore. He has been eating Skittles since this morning and now it's almost five. All throughout that time, he has been playing video games and doing homework that did not have to do with math and science - even that had shocked him. He did anything he could to get rid of his boredom.

The red head slid off his bed, cringing when pins and needles immediately began to prick at the bottom of his feet. Before he could leave his room, his phone rang. With a deep scowl, he picked it up from his desk and answered it, snapping at the unknown caller, "What?"

"Sup' Jupiter? You sound like you're in one of those bitchy moods, maybe I should call later-"

"What do you want, Ray?" He cut him off impatiently, "Just spit it out."

"Fine, okay, sheesh. I just wanted to know if you wanted to play some basketball with some buddies of mine? We're a player short."

"So I'm just a fill-in, huh? Whatever, I have nothing better to do."

"Meet you at the court in the park in half an hour."

Jupiter scoffed when he hung up, putting his phone down once again so he could go and put a shirt on. He didn't like Ray. Scratch that, he hated him. He hated him with a strong passion and the only reason the guy knows his number, let alone allows him to talk to him is because he's his girlfriend's stepbrother. Wasn't that just fan-fucking-tastic? Isabelle had a douchey stepbrother that he was forced to get along with.

After slipping on a shirt, and grabbing his phone and keys, he left the room and went downstairs. "I'm going out." He announced as he made his way to the door.

"Where?" Manny asked, looking away from the TV for a moment.

"Park. Bye." Was all he said before he left the house.

A minute later, they heard a motorcycle being revved up before zooming off and away from the house. "Well, someone's knickers are in a twist." She said blandly.

"I hope he is alright." Frodo says, "He seems vexed about something."

"Don't worry about it, he's always like that." She waved it off, "You get use to it."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now