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WARNING: ...Still not a scientist.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


A hand reached up to rub at a golden eye under the lenses of glasses, drowsiness creeping up to the scientist due to his extremely busy day.

The day started out very simple. He had woken up and ate breakfast before going out to restock on food with the help of Gimli and Boromir, who had offered to tag along. Afterwards, he had started early for work, and worked all through the afternoon and the evening until his face was cramping from the fake smiles and his wrists were hurting from carrying trays of food over and over again.

Faintly, he remembered the same guy that asked him out that one night there again, Ethan was his name he thinks. Instead of sitting at a table in the middle of the restaurant, he sat in the corner. At first, Jupiter didn't really think anything of it at first since he can recall Ethan saying that he really liked coming to the restaurant.

It was only a couple of innocent minutes of obliviousness before the red head noticed how he kept getting a strange chill every time he was near where the man sat. Jupiter would always look back to see what caused it, maybe a pair of eyes on him, but he never finds any and the feeling disappears. Jupiter had felt on edge the rest of that night, even on his motorcycle. He was so paranoid that someone was following him that he broke the speed limit, took a lot of sharp turns, and didn't drive back home until no one was driving behind him. Maybe it all had just been in his head...

It's been a few days since Manny was discharged from the hospital and she was already moving around like she usually would, although Frodo continuously worried about her whenever she did. Considering that the brunette was finally getting better, Jupiter returned to his work in the lab. He may be exhausted from the long day, but that didn't mean he didn't have energy to work at home.

After much contemplation over what Jupiter had gathered so far, he decided to look over everything he had again. More specifically, the Fellowship's strange blood. He needed three major questions answered concerning it. How did the high levels of electricity get there, why it's there, and where did it come from. Those were the questions he contemplated as he sat on his chair backwards in front of the blackboard, his arms resting on the back of the chair as he sucked on his lollipop.

Jupiter took out the candy that was now half it's original size and muttered to himself, "Electricity... Electricity... How the hell did you get in there you son of a bitch?"

The scientist looked up at the ceiling upon feeling the floor rumble beneath his feet. Although he can't hear it, he can feel the weather making it's presence known and confirming the meteorologists prediction for the day. He sighed and stood up to approach his blackboard in order to examine the impossible phenomenon that he printed out.

Jupiter stared at it for the longest time as he bit the rest of the lollipop, his teeth crunching down on the shards of blue raspberry flavored sugar. He huffed when the ground rumbled again and he even heard a faint crack coming from above him. He dug in his memory for how long this storm will last. He rather not have it distracting him while he's trying to concentrate and he didn't want to turn on his music in case anyone in the house was asleep. Seriously, if he can feel from down here then it must be nearly as bad as the one from-

"Oh my fuck." The stick of his lollipop fell limply onto the ground, "I'm such a fucking dumbass! That's what I was missing!"

He didn't even care if he was talking to himself as he hurriedly grabbed the chalk and went to the part of his notes where he had noted what Manny told him what happened the night the Fellowship arrived. The only thing that was wrong with it was that he left out an element from his original notes that seemed to have no importance at the time. It had been storming with thunder and lightning - violently, he may add - and thinking back on it now, it had been unexpected since the weatherman had stated it would be sunny with temperatures a little low.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now