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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


It's been quite a while since he and Legolas had their first date.

The whole thing ended on a high note with the both of them returning home and falling asleep on the couch together. Or well, Jupiter fell asleep. Legolas made sure to wake him up before everyone came downstairs to start the day.

Jupiter panted roughly as he slowed to a stop on the sidewalk, yanking out his earbuds and bending over with his hands on his knees. He felt sweat drip down from his forehead, and down to his chin and neck. It's been a while since he had worked out so intensely. When he had become extremely busy with the lab work on the Fellowship, and also the whole appendix scare and kidnapping thing, he barely had much time to exercise.

Somehow, he finally found the time. It was probably a bad idea to go straight back to what he usually did, considering he knows he was going to be extremely sore later on today and tomorrow. Maybe he should've just jogged instead of walking to the gym, doing some light weight training, and then leaving to jog for who knows how long (he can never trust a treadmill ever again - don't ask). For the next couple of days, he might just do normal at-home exercises until his muscles aren't screaming in pain as much... Oh, but doing the same thing he's done today again without resting his sore body was so tempting...

Oh, well.

The redhead practically chugged the bottle of water he had, deciding that it was a good time to head back home.

His old basketball jersey clung to his chest as he walked in the opposite direction of where he was jogging. He nearly smacked himself for jogging so far away, it may have been thirty minutes of jogging, but keep in mind that he only had two or three walking breaks. Thankfully, he was still in the unbusy part of the city, which meant that he didn't go too crazy.

There were a bunch of shops and small restaurants lining the sides of the street, and every now and then a car would drive by or park at an empty spot on the side of the road. Having nothing other than his music to entertain him, he looked through the windows of the shops and restaurants as he passed by. Some were closed, some shitty, some interesting, nothing really caught his eye.

That was until he caught sight of strangely familiar short ginger hair.

He quickly backtracked and peeked through the large display window to squint at the back of the girl's head. He knows her, but he just couldn't put his finger on it... Dammit, now he has to go in and see who it is. Plus this shop looks pretty cool.

The door squeaked as he entered and the employee that was adjusting the displays of guitars on the walls turned around upon hearing the squeak. Both of their eyes widen upon seeing each other's faces. Okay, he definitely knows her. "Hey!" She grinned widely, quickly walking over to him, "It's you! Jupiter, right? I don't know if you remember me-..."

"Luna. I remember." He nods, "You're Genna's girlfriend."

"Yep, that's me! She told me how she ran into you when you were having boy problems and helped you out. Speaking of that, how did it go?" Luna rambled on excitedly.

"Very well." Jupiter smirked slightly, "He and I just went on our first date a while ago."

She covered her mouth with her hand, eyes even wider, "Really?! How was it?! Oh my goodness, Genna is going to be so happy when she hears about this, she's been worried this whole time!"

"It was... really nice." His trademark smirk softens. "Well, until my school started blowing up my phone."

"Oh boy, you came out to all of them?"

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now