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Moving is always hard but to me it was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life.
Everything changed just because of this one day.
One day changed everything, turned my life upside down.
Not only mine but my entire family suffered just because of me,just because of what had happened to me.

I unpacked all my bags and boxes while decorating my room,it turned out very well.
A piece of hair was sticking on my sweaty face so I tried blowing it out of my sight but it didn't budge an inch.
I huffed and took all the things I needed for a shower  before I made my way to my bathroom that was linked to my room.
I was very lucky,my parents got transferred here to LA, they could afford a wonderful house but they weren't at home very often.Since the incident they tried to stay with me as often as they could and I appreciated it because it helped me a lot.But now they had to work even longer than before just because of silly me.

I was nervous because tomorrow was my first day in my new school,it was my last year and I really can't wait till school is finally over.
After contemplating what to wear tomorrow I finally fell asleep with a weird feeling in my stomach.


The next day my alarm went off causing me to groan,my heart already beating faster than before.
Why do I always have to be so damn nervous?
I quickly changed into my new clothes and put on some make-up before I made my hair a little wavy.

Why do I always have to be so damn nervous?I quickly changed into my new clothes and put on some make-up before I made my hair a little wavy

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My parents were already off to work, so I made myself an orange juice and ate some cereal before I left.
I walked to school because it was only 10min away.
I already visited the school a few days ago while I was walking through the city because I didn't want to get lost on my first day of school.
I listened to some music while walking,as I approached my new school,I began to feel sick in my stomach.
I was hoping to find some friends even though I was a little awkward whenever I met new people.
There were different groups you could see just by looking at their outfits which is very cliche but true.

"Um excuse me.Can you tell me where the principals office is?",I asked a group of guys who looked like the bad boys of the school.
A tall boy with brownish hair and green eyes turned to me with a big smile on his face.
He seemed very friendly which was odd since all the other boys were just eyeing me with lust in their eyes.

I was disgusted.

"Sure I'll show you come on.",he smiled and dragged me with him while the other people who were outside looked at me as if I was an alien.
"My name is Jamie by the way.",his dimples were showing which was kind of cute.
"Why are they looking at me like that?",I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"You're new here which means gossip.Plus they've seen you with me and I'm one of the popular guys here so it's a big deal for them.They want to know everything about you and why you're with me.",he shrugged as if it was nothing.
"But I just asked the next person I saw.",I explained.
"I know but that's what they don't know.",he said laughing.
"This school is already weird.",I mumbled but he heard me anyways.
"I know.",he smirked.

"My name is Gravity.",I told him after a few seconds of silence.

"What a cool name!",he exclaimed causing me to giggle.

"Thank you Jamie."

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