treinta y cuatro

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I didn't know what to say, my eyes were wide and mouth wide open.

I was stuttering, trying to form a sentence but I couldn't even say a word.Luckily Colbain and Seth walked into the room congratulating me for my win.
I quickly shook my head, trying to get all the thoughts about him out of my head and concentrate on something else besides him.
"Are you up for another round?",Seth asked happily not knowing what happened a few seconds ago.

"Yes!I want to play more than just five minutes into the game.",Colbain said making us laugh.

I was still in my thoughts, completely zoning off not even caring if I lose or not.His words were bothering me, he made me feel special and important which was completely new to me.


"Hey you okay?",Colbain asked elbowing me as I just nodded.
We ordered Chinese and were watching a movie while eating, but I somehow always tended to zone off.Colbain was sitting next to my right, then there was Seth and lastly Harvey.All the boys were talking eagerly about the movie while I just played with my food.

And I never really played with my food because I love it so much!

"I'm fine.",I whispered back, Seth and Harvey couldn't hear our conversation and I was happy that they didn't.
"You don't seem fine Gravity, you barely ate your noodles.",Colbain commented.
"I-",I started but I didn't know what to answer.
"I don't feel well Colbain, I think I should go home.",I answered him truthfully.

He observed me intensely, and nodded a sad smile on his face.
"I'll drive you.",he told me as I thanked him.
I went to Seth's room took my bag and walked downstairs.
Seth and Harvey were looking at me confused but I just smiled apologetically.

"I don't feel good at all I hope you're not mad but Colbain will drive me home.",I told them.

Harvey seemed like he wanted to object but he closed his mouth again, an angry expression on his face.He was glaring at Colbain but he didn't seem to notice it.
I waved at Seth and Harvey and walked out of the house, I didn't have the nerve to hug them because I didn't know how to react.

To some people his words would've made them happy or they would've answered back but I'm not some people.

I overthink too much and I didn't know what to answer, I've been getting to know him better but I still can't say if I really like him like that.He is indeed attractive and his smile is the most beautiful thing in the entire world but my past is haunting me and trusting him is a big task for me.
It will take a little longer but I am willing to try it with Harvey.

"Thank you Colbain.",I smiled hugging him and then walking out of the car.He tried to talk to me, to get out what has been bothering me but I didn't open up to him.This was between Harvey and me and I had to understand myself first before I could go and talk to Harvey.

"You're welcome Gravity.Get well soon!",he smiled sadly driving off.

I plopped myself on my bed, it was already dark and I was tired, tired of thinking about him.
Soon sleep took over me.

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