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"You can sleep on my bed.",Harvey told me rubbing his neck.
"Oh no I can sleep on the floor it's alright I don't want to take your bed.",I told him shyly,the alcohol was already gone by now.

"Shut up and go lay down on my bed.",he told me firmly,he looked serious so I didn't try to disobey him because that would make noise and noise would wake up his parents.

"But what about you?",I asked him as I laid myself down in his comfortable bed.

"I'm gonna sleep on the couch downstairs.",he shrugged.
"No you're gonna make noise and wake up your parents?!",I whisper yelled at him.
"I'll sleep on the floor then.",he rolled his eyes.
I felt horrible so I made space for him too and patted on the bed.
"You can sleep next to me.I mean after all it's your bed.",I said.
He looked into my eyes intensely before nodding and making his way to the bed.
"No funny business mister!",I pointed my finger at him as he laid down next to me.

"Says the right one.",he mumbled it but I was still able to hear what he said.

A smirk formed on my lips.

"Thank you Harvey.Goodnight.",I said once again,squeezing his right hand with mine before turning away from him closing my eyes.

I was slowly drifting to sleep but I could hear a faint:
"Goodnight Gravity.",before darkness took over.


The next day I woke up still in my last nights clothes but without Harvey in the bed.I rubbed my face,still tired and slowly stood up from the bed.I made my way to the bathroom where I washed my face,I looked horrible,my make up was everywhere but in place.My hair was a mess and it looked like a nest.
I tried to put it into a ponytail and also tried to wash off my make up but I still looked like a panda.
I gave it up and walked back to Harvey's room,being face to face with Harvey himself.

"Oh hi.",I was surprised because I thought I was alone.
"Morning Gravity.",his eyes were glued onto my face as I sighed.

"Sorry I look horrible.",I giggled.

"No you don't.",he answered without hesitation.
I smiled at him.

"Well thank you but other people wouldn't think that,that's for sure.",I grinned.

"My mother has probably the stuff that you need,I'll call her.",he told me.Before I even had the chance to stop him he jogged out of the door.


"Hello honey my name's Myra,Harvey explained me your current situation,you're welcome to stay as long as you want.",she smiled lovingly at me.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Cantwell,my name's Gravity and thank you so much that's really sweet!I hope I'm not a burden-",I started but she quickly cut me off.

"Call me Myra honey please.And you're not a burden!Harvey told me you need something to take off your make up?",she asked.

"Yeah I look horrific!",I laughed,she showed me her cleaning wipes as I thanked her.



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