treinta y dos

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"It's okay Harvey.I don't care what's happening between you two.I mean we're not together right?",I chuckled.
It was fake.
I cared a lot but my brain was telling me that it was better to push him away.

He looked sad?

He just nodded.
"Listen I promise I'm not mad or anything, we'll see each other later at Seth's?I gotta go now bye Harvey!",I ran to my class, a faint "Alright" came out of his lips, he was sad and I was contemplating if I could really trust this boy.

I wanted to trust him so much but my brain was yelling that it's not a good idea at all.


Seth invited us all to sleep over at his house, so I packed my bag and took my keys, leaving my house.

Seth invited us all to sleep over at his house, so I packed my bag and took my keys, leaving my house

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"Hey Seth!",I hugged him tightly.
"Hey pretty lady.",he winked laughing afterwards.
"Still a disgusting nickname.",I told him shaking my head.
"And I still like it.",he shrugged as we walked into his house.
"Are the others here yet?",I asked.
"Nope you're the first one to arrive.",he answered plopping himself on his bed.
"You can put your bag down, we'll arrange who will sleep where later.",he answered.
I put my bag down and jumped on his back.
A muffled "Ouch!", escaped his lips but I just hugged his back making myself comfortable on him.
"You're a good pillow.",I told him sighing happily.
"Gee thanks pretty lady.",he mumbled, his face was pushed into the pillow due to my jump and he wasn't bothered enough to change it.

"Seth can I ask you a serious question.",I closed my eyes.He was really comfortable.
"Go ahead.",he mumbled.
"Do you think Harvey is being serious with me.Do you think that he really wants to be more than friends with me and I mean not just a one night stand.",I asked him.

He sighed, lifting his head a little.
"Look Gravity I've no idea if he actually means it, really.He's hard to read and he isn't saying anything about it but it looks like he's being serious.I've never seen him fighting for a girl for such a long time.",he answered.
"Probably you're right.Maybe I should give him a chance.",I said quietly.
"I'm just scared.",I whispered.

"I'm always here for you Gravity I hope you know that.",he said quietly.
I smiled and cuddled my head into his back, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

Soon I drifted into deep sleep, but my smile still visible.


I woke up by something hitting my butt, hard.
"What the hell?!",I said sleepy turning my head towards the door only seeing a shadow scurrying away from me.

On the ground there was a note:

Welcome to our game night Gravity,

today we're gonna play Nerf.Each one of us (Colbain, Harvey,Gravity (you lol) and Seth (me ofc)) has a gun and ammunition.If you use up all the ammunition you'll have to be quick because in the house there's some hidden ammunition and the first person who gets it owns them.
(Don't worry my dad hid them before leaving so no one knows where there are)
Try not to get hit by someone, it's easy it's like hide and seek....but worse!
You can hide wherever you want but be aware people are searching for you! ;)
k that's it good luck,
hope you won't die first but,
oh well I'm good in this game (:
- Seth

ps.: scream "I'm ready" after you read this and then you've 10secs to hide until the game begins.

I giggled, they're so weird!
But I was ready to win this game even though I never used a nerf gun before.I took the gun with the full ammunition and thought about a plan real quick.


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