sesenta y uno

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I told her everything, from the beginning to the end and as hard as I tried the tears were still falling on my cheek making me angrier than I already was.

"I can't believe I trusted him a second time.I'm so stupid!",I wiped the tears with my right hand as Mar looked at me apologetically.

"You are not stupid, he's just an idiot.",she took my hands in hers smiling lightly.

"But I'm surprised that Cornelia is such a bitch.",she rolled her eyes as I giggled.
"Her name is Cecelia but I agree.She seemed so nice and cool but I guess that was just a fake mask.",I sighed.

"If I see her at school I'm gonna throw punches!",Mar exclaimed causing you to smile again.

She was helping a lot, she made me laugh again and I was thankful for that.

"You can't even hurt a fly!",I told her shaking my head in amusement.

"Maybe because I don't want to hurt them?",she countered.
"No you just aren't made for hurting people, you'd probably hurt yourself before you even had a chance to touch the other person.",I told her as she only sighed in defeat.
"I hate how true this actually is.",she slumped down in her seat.


"I gotta go, I want to meet up with Colbain to tell him about the girl.",I stood up from my seat.

"You really wanna help her?What if she's a bitch too?You still trust people you barely know even after the incident?",Mar asked a confused look on her face.

"I know I'm stupid Mar but she was really nice to me.I know that I trust way too easily but that's just who I am.I always did that even before meeting you guys and it's probably turning into another disaster but if I stop trusting people I barely know I'll never meet someone knew.I mean I barely knew you too Mar and we are best friends so I have to take the risk and trust other people too.Plus I was a stranger to her too and she still took us home.She could've kidnapped us for all we know.",I told her sighing.

"You are right.I just don't want anyone else to hurt you.I love you and I want to protect you.",she hugged me tightly as I grinned.
"I know and I love you but you have to stop worrying mom!",I laughed loudly as she glared at me.
"It's big ma to you young girl!",she scolded and we erupted into fits of giggles.

God I love my friends.


"Colbain?",I spoke into my phone after he finally picked up the phone.
I was outside walking to a park after saying my goodbyes to Mar.I was hoping Colbain had some free time so we could meet up and I could tell him about Lotus.

"Hey Gravity!How are you doing?Thank you for bringing me home by the way I owe you!",he answered his phone as I smiled slightly.
"Oh it's fine, I'm good I wanted to ask you if you are free right now?I'd like to talk to you about yesterday.",I told him nervously.

"Did something happen?",he asked confused.
"Just meet me at this park where I'm at right now, I'll send you my location!",I told him ending the call not giving him a chance to respond.

I was sitting on a bench, in front of me was a small pond with a duck swimming in it.She looked absolutely beautiful, her head was shining in a shimmery pink-blue color because of the sun.She looked very peaceful making me wonder if she was the only duck around.
Where is her family?

"Gravity!",my head turned to the right expecting Colbain who sounded out of breath.

How was he even able to get so fast to the park?His house is at least 15min away from here with the bus.

"Why do you sound like you just ran a mara-?",I began but as I looked up the words got stuck in my throat.

It wasn't Colbain who was out of breath.

It was Harvey.


[a/n: hello luvs I hope you aren't angry I know I'm late but I was stressed these few days bc I had to apply for universities and I was shitting myself but yeah anyways I hope you liked this chapter💛just a few more chapters and the book will be done...but I'm thinking of a part 2🤔please vote and comment, you guys always make me smile and I'm thankful for that!!🌻]

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