treinta y seis

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I woke up the next day, it was once again Monday and I was dreading the day. I wasn't ready to face him, he called me and sent me multiple messages but I didn't reply to any of them. He was asking if I was alright but I was far from being alright.
He lied to me and used me and what's worst of all is that the dreams are haunting me again.

"Hey Gravity are you alright?Harvey called me to make sure you are alright?What happened?",Mar asked worried locking her arm with mine

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"Hey Gravity are you alright?Harvey called me to make sure you are alright?What happened?",Mar asked worried locking her arm with mine.

"It was all just a damn bet Mar.He had a bet with our schools jock if he didn't get me to sleep with him within three weeks it would be Roven's turn to sleep with me.",I told her totally and utterly disgusted with boys.
"Roven?Oh my god Gravity I'm so sorry I thought he actually meant it.",she engulfed me in a big hug as I smiled lightly.

"It's okay Mar don't worry I'm just angry he used me like that.", I answered as we walked towards our lockers.

"I've an idea.Well if you want to.",Mar spoke hesitantly.
"Go on.",I was now interested.

"He played you so why don't you play him back?",she smirked.
A big question mark formed in my head, Mar seemed to get that I was confused so she explained.

"Oh my god Mar you are a genius.",I laughed.

"And don't worry Jamie and I got your back.",she winked.

"Wait are you two finally together?!",I asked with big eyes as she nodded.
"Oh my god congratulations!",I squealed hugging her once again before leaving to class.
"You've to tell me everything!",I told her, she just nodded and left.


"Gravity?!",Harvey yelled as I was heading to the cafeteria.I was avoiding him but I needed to talk to him because of the plan.
"Hey Harvey!How are you!",I fake smiled at him, I was hurting so much but I had to keep the act if I wanted revenge.

"Are you serious Gravity?I was worried about you.You didn't answer your phone and you didn't come to the park what happened?!",he asked out of breath.

"I'm sorry about that.My mom was super angry with me after I forgot to do the tasks she gave me and she grounded me but it was just yesterday.She took my phone and laptop that's why I couldn't answer I'm sorry.But today I'm totally free and I wanted to make it up, that's why I wanted to suggest that we could go to Starbucks for a drink as an apology.",I gave him my puppy eyes.

My heart was beating fast because I didn't know if he believed me or not.

"Alright what time?",he sighed but grinned afterwards.

Fucking liar.

"How about 2pm after school.",I asked and he nodded.

"Great!So I'll see you then!"
"Wait Gravity where are you going?",he asked.
"I gotta pee.",I giggled.
"Right sorry.",he scratched his neck.
"Do you want me to wait for you?",he asked but I almost instantly replied with a no.
He nodded and finally left.

I quickly walked out to the field where Roven was playing, as I was looking out for him I bumped into a hard body making my footing unsteady.

"Hey Roven.",I smiled shyly.

I should really become an actress.

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