treinta y siete

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"What are you doing here?I've never seen you out here are you lost?",he arched his eyebrow, very amused by my presence.

"No I was actually searching for someone.",I spoke shyly.
"Who?",he was now interested.
"You.",I said quietly smiling at him, he grinned back.

I was so close to vomit on his face.

"Really?!",he was stunned.


I nodded and put a piece of hair behind my ear to make it seem as if I was nervous.
"Do you maybe wanna go out with me?Do you wanna get a coffee?",I smiled as I was looking to the ground.

I hated him, not only him but also Harvey!
How could they be so careless with women!We aren't an object to play with, we're not a damn puppet!

"A date?Sure love.",he grinned widely hugging me unexpectedly.His hands were almost touching my ass, I was more than just uncomfortable.
I smiled and walked back to my locker because class was starting again soon.

Now I've to pray that they won't meet each other here in school and talk about me.


"So Jamie and I will be in the back, as soon as you walk into Starbucks you'll see us in the far right.We've hat's and glasses so they won't recognize us easily.",Mar spoke through the phone as I went for the hundredth time through my hair today.

"Thank you guys.",I replied back stressed.
"Of course Gravity!I mean we don't know how they'll react so back up is always the best choice.",she spoke confidently, it was as if she took half of my nervousness.

I was scared and I didn't know why.

Probably because I wasn't ready to hear the truth, his reasons, his apologies.

I wasn't ready for him.


I was sitting at the table on the far left in Starbucks.
My hands were sweating and my heart was beating uncontrollably fast.I knew that Harvey would be five minutes late because he was always late.Thats what I've learned after being friends with him for a few weeks now.When you tell him to be here at 2pm he'll arrive at 2:05pm.Thats just how he is.
And it annoyed me that I liked his tardiness, because I should hate it and get mad but I couldn't.
I started to like him and I can't undo what my heart wants.I can just wait and hope that my heart will heal as fast as possible.

I was to 100% sure that Roven would be on time and I told him to arrive at 2:05pm.
He thought it was weird to meet at 2:05pm and not just 2pm but I explained that I had to do something beforehand and that's why we had to meet up at such a weird time.

The dumbass believed me.

The door opened and Harvey walked in happily, he had a red rose in his hand as he approached me.
Behind him Roven opened the door a big smile on his face,both were approaching me as I kept looking at my drink.

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