cincuenta y dos

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"Thank you for going out with me before the show princess.",Harvey smiled brightly as I slurped on my milkshake.

We were once again at the cute diner, both of us got a chocolate milkshake while I was trying to calm Harvey down.He was super nervous since the contest was about to start in a few hours and that's why I offered to get something to drink before he'd completely freak out.

"You're welcome.How do you feel?",I asked him interested.

"Like I'm about to vomit all over the table,excited but also super nervous.",he laughed,his cute smile made my heart melt.

"You don't have to worry about anything you'll be fine I just know it.I mean you're prepared and you could probably sing about a trashcan and it would still sound amazing as hell.",I giggled causing his smile to widen even more.

"I'm happy that you like my voice that much.",he chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"Are you serious?How can someone not love it, you're talented and extraordinary!",I grinned happily.

I should really stop talking so much about his beautiful voice...just him in general to be honest.
I was going insane and before he'd catch me drooling over him I should probably shut up and think about something else.

"So Harvey do you wanna hear some real exciting news?",I asked him happily.
"You got a boyfriend?",he looked horrified, almost scared as I erupted into fits of giggles.

"No you doofus.I'm gonna be a sister real soon!My mother is pregnant!",I tell him grinning widely.

He was the first person I actually told these amazing news, not because I didn't like to share it with all of my friends but I almost forgot because so much was going on these days.

"Are you for real?Oh my god that is amazing Gravity wow I'm so happy for you!You're gonna be a big sister I can't believe it.",he laughed standing up from his seat, hugging me unexpectedly.
I hugged him back, his perfume hitting my nostrils making it almost hard for me to let him go.

What the hell is going on with me why am I like this?


"By the way we are going to the beach tomorrow you're also coming right princess?",Harvey asked as we walked to his car.

My heart stopped for a second, I felt numb as a flashback made its way to my head once again.

The 15year old Anastasia went to the beach on that particular day, the day that would change everything in her life.

She was surprised because she got invited by one of the girls in her class.They never talked but she didn't bully her either, she was still confused as to why she was invited but she accepted the kind offer.

She was really happy, that's why she made a big effort in her look.She wore a cute yellow bathing suit with a yellow floral dress and pink flowers on it.She wore sandals and her mother even took the time to put her hair into two braids.She walked happily to the beach with her bag in her hand.She took a towel, some sunscreen and sunglasses with her.She was very nervous because it was her first time to hang out with girls that didn't decide to bully her whenever they had time.

She arrived at the beach and saw the girl that invited her with some other girls that were also in her class.As she approached the group her heart started to beat in an unnormal pace.Her hands began to feel sweaty while so many thoughts were running through her head.She started to feel uncomfortable and anxious,the words from her bullies were almost screaming in her head.

"Hey Anastasia I'm happy you could come!I think you know everyone, come on let's put your stuff right next to ours.",she smiled nicely taking her hand and pulling her towards the girls.She waved at the girls who were smiling kindly.She spread her towel next to the other ones and put her bag on it.

"I love your bathing suit Anastasia!You look cute, come on let's go swim a little.",she smiled dragging her with her.Anastasia finally felt happy after such a long time, she was playing around with the girls in the water.After a while she decided to tan a little, so she made her way to her towel and laid down for a bit drying down.She put some sunscreen on her body and laid down again, her eyes were slowly shutting falling asleep.

It was a mistake.

But who could know that?

You are right, everyone but her.

In the next moment all she felt was darkness and the need of air.Someone threw her in the water, she could hear the laughter as she was trying to come back up again.She was completely terrified because she was sleeping before and out of nowhere she was lacking air.Her heart was beating fast but someone was pushing her down again.She began panicking and turning around everywhere but the person kept pushing her down.She was waving with her hands, but her strength faded every second a little more.Her eyes were closing slowly as she heard screams and yelling in the back.

She blacked out but someone pulled her to the sand and started a mouth to mouth respiration.Lots of water came out of her mouth as a lifeguard stood in front of her looking relieved.The girl that invited her stood next to the guard as tears started falling down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have listened to them.They forced me to do it.They threatened to bully me too I am so sorry it's all my fault!",she cried as Anastasia looked at her confused.

Timmy was laughing in the back with his crew as everything finally started to make sense again.

Timmy forced the girl to invite her so they could get another opportunity to humiliate Anastasia.He was the one who pushed her into the water, again and again, almost killing her.

And he was still laughing, if it wasn't for the girl calling a lifeguard she'd probably be dead right now.

She was utterly disgusted with every single one who was laughing at her.Tears were falling down on her cheek as the lifeguard explained that he called her parents.The lifeguard stayed the entire time with her while yelling at Timmy and his crew but they didn't seem to care at all.Anastasia felt hate towards every single one of them but she was also frightened.

The lifeguard explained the entire situation to her parents who were shocked and confused.They thought that their little girl never had problems with other people.He pointed at her bullies but they scurried away when her father started to yell at them, threatening to call the police.The lifeguard advised to go to the hospital so she could get checked out.

Her parents agreed and before they left with her, Anastasia walked towards the crying girl that invited her and said:
"Do not expect me to forgive you ever again.What you did was wrong but I thank you for calling the lifeguard because if you didn't call him back there I'd probably be dead by now."

Anastasia was cold since that day and she didn't speak for a weeks.The doctor told her parents that it was the shock and that she should go to a therapist but Anastasia blocked everything and everyone out of her life.

Not trusting anyone anymore.


"Princess please wake up are you alright?You blacked out, should I call an ambulance?",Harvey's voice echoed in my head.

I slowly but surely opened my eyes and slightly smiled at him.
"I'm fine no need to call the ambulance I just need some water and we can go.",he looked at me not believing one single thing I just said.


[a/n: thoughts on this one?🌻💛]

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