treinta y cinco

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"Harvey can we meet up today?We need to talk.",I spoke into the phone nervously.

"Sure princess, where?",he asked.

"I thought about the park, in 15minutes?",I told him as he agreed and we hung up.

I took a deep breath and changed into something cute before leaving the house with a weird feeling in my stomach.

I took a deep breath and changed into something cute before leaving the house with a weird feeling in my stomach

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I was already a little late so I was hurrying down the pavement, my heart beating in a fast pace.
Suddenly my eyes caught the sight of Harvey talking to a boy that was oddly familiar to me.He was the jock of our school and I was confused because it was the first time I saw them together.

I never knew they were friends.

I slowly made my way up to them, but I was kind of hidden due to the bushes around.
"Did you sleep with her?",the jock asked impatiently.

"Not yet she's a hard one man.",Harvey answered.

Wait what?

"I told you if you don't sleep with Gravity within the next three weeks our deal is off.", he told him smirking widely.

"I'm gonna get her don't worry.",Harvey laughed confidently.

I knew it.I knew that he wasn't interested in a relationship.

"I honestly hope you won't because then I can finally use my charm and have a little fun with her.I've been waiting to fuck her for a long time man, she's a good 10.", he licked his lips, I was utterly disgusted.

I didn't even need to listen to them anymore, I've heard enough.
I turned around and quickly left walking back home with tears in my eyes.

Why is this always happening to me?

I changed into my sweatpants and took off my make up, my head was throbbing and my eyes were puffy because of my tears.
"I can't believe I started trusting him!",I yelled into my pillow, but slowly and surely darkness took over me.


"You are honestly a useless piece of shit.I mean look at you!You are fat, disgusting, stupid, all in all hideous!I have to endeavor not to puke all over you right now.To be honest I'd probably do you a favor with that!", he spoke a big smirk on his face.

"Anastasia.....that name doesn't fit to you.I'll call you ugly that's so much more authentic.",she laughed loudly.

"Why are you doing this!I never did anything bad to you."

"Because you Anastasia, aren't worth it and you should know that!You should go home and never go to school again!No one likes you and that won't change anywhere.You're always gonna be the fat useless shit you are!",he chuckled pushing the little chubby girl to the ground.

Tears were falling down her cheek, her hair was falling into her face, she was trying to hide behind her hair but it was useless.They were always bothering her and they always knew where she was.
It didn't matter if she did anything or not, they made it their goal to make her life a living hell and they were accomplishing their goal pretty easily.

"Fuck off!",she yelled making the little girl almost instantly stand up and run away.

I woke up sweating uncontrollably, my hair was a mess and new tears were forming in my eyes.

Not again, not those dreams.



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