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"So what do you want to show me?",I asked him curious.
"You'll see.",he smirked as a loud sigh escaped my lips.

"How come I saw Ted when you were walking with him but not when I slept at your house?",I asked him after a while of silence.
"Well that's random.",he spoke.

"I'm trying to make a conversation if you haven't noticed yet.",I laughed.

"Alright alright, well when you were at my house my dad went on a walk with him that's why you didn't see Ted nor my dad.",he told me as I nodded.

"We're here.",he grinned.
We were in a forest.
"So you want to kill me.",I exclaimed while he shook his head laughing loudly.
His laugh was so angelic.

"No I want to show you something that you'll like now come on.",he took my hand in his smiling widely.His hand in mine caused always a weird feeling in my stomach and I was so confused with myself that I didn't know what to do anymore.

We walked for a bit, neither of us two dared to say anything.The silence was what we both needed right now.

"Here we are.",he said dragging me towards a beautiful view.
There was a bench and we sat down looking at the sun setting.You could see the town and it looked breathtaking.

"Do you come here often?",I asked mesmerized by the view.
"Sometimes.When I need to be alone I like to come here.",he shrugged.
"To me it's nothing important but I thought maybe it's something you'd like to see.",he spoke as I nodded.

"Yes thank you I love the place!",I squeezed his hand that was still in mine.

I smiled.

"Why isn't this place important to you?",I asked him confused.
"Because it's just a place I can come to when I want to be alone.There are lots of places I go to, that's not the only one but I mostly go here because of the view.I can see the entire town and it makes thinking so much easier I don't know why.",he explained.

"Can I ask you something Harvey?",I asked him looking into his beautiful eyes, my heart was beating out of my chest not because of my question I was about to ask but because of his eyes that were staring so intensely at me.

"You just asked me something.",his cocky smirk came back making me inwardly groan.

"Why did you choose to be the person you are today?",he looked taken aback.

"That's none of your business!",he spat.

Damn someone's sensitive.

I was hurt by his words and he saw it, his anger faded and he looked sorry.
"I didn't mean it like that Gravity I'm sorry but it's personal and I'm not ready to tell you yet.We are on the first stage of being friends and I'm not trusting you completely I hope you understand.",he told me as I nodded.

He apologized two times today that's a new record.

I understand you Harvey, we are more similar than we actually think we are.

"I understand.",I smiled looking at the sunset.

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