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"Thanks for showing me where the principals office is.",I smiled up at the cute guy in front of me.
"You're welcome Gravity!Now give me your schedule.",he said firmly causing me to chuckle in response.
"Why are you so nice to me?",I asked him.
"Should I be rude?",he questioned.
"No you're really sweet to me and I appreciate it but I thought you'd be a bad boy I mean because you were hanging out with those guys outside.",I babbled.
"I talk too much I'm sorry.",I told him apologetically.
He chuckled.

"I do have a bad boy reputation but only because of my friends,I can be sweet if I want to be.",he smiled.
"You're weird.",I told him grinning widely.
"So are you.",he shrugged and dragged me with him.
"So your locker is here and you've half of classes with me."he told me scrunching his eyebrows while looking at my paper.
"Well that's great!",I replied enthusiastically.
"What's my first class?",I asked him.
"Maths.With me.",he answered.
"No.",I pouted.
"I hate maths!",I whined while he chuckled.
"Don't we all?"
"True.",I said bluntly.

I put all my books into my locker while Jamie waited for me patiently.
I placed the books that I needed into my bag and shut the locker,as I turned around I pumped into a petite figure causing us both to stumble a little.
"Oh shit I'm sorry.",a girl in my age apologized,her eyes were big and it seemed as if she was scared of me.
I was confused.

"It's fine don't worry!",I smiled up at her and helped her with the books that were due to our collision on the ground.
"Oh my gosh I love your shirt!",I exclaimed a little loud,she flinched a little.
Why is she so scared?

She looked down at her shirt,it was white and had the power puff girls on it.
"Um thanks?",she said quietly.
"My name is Gravity by the way it's nice to meet you!",I said smiling widely,my hand was reaching out for a hand shake.
She seemed hesitant but took it after a while anyways.
"Marina nice to meet you too.",she was very quiet,she seemed scared and I was very confused as to why she was like that.
"You've a beautiful name.",I told her grinning.
"Thank you."
"You're new here right?",she asked me and I nodded.
"Is it that obvious?",I giggled.

"Well everyone is talking about you and Jamie.",she said quietly while fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
"Oh yes he showed me around he was very sweet to me.",I smiled.
"Since you're new I want to warn you Gravity.I am a loser and I've the reputation of a nerd.You seem really nice and I don't want you to get into any trouble that's why I'm telling you all this.It would be better for you if you would stop talking to me and stay with Jamie,then you'll be as popular as he is.",she said and left me with my thoughts alone.

I was very shocked by her words,I was frozen until Jamie came up to me and pulled me to my first class.

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