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We opened the doors of the cafeteria,people were sitting in their groups,the jocks,the cheerleaders and the bad boys.
Harvey was sitting with the bad boys and Jamie was already heading to their table dragging me with him.But I saw Marina in the back eating all alone so I poked Jamie in his stomach which caused him to turn to me, a confused look on his face.

"Imma go sit with Marina.",I told him firmly.
I turned around and heard a faint "wait!"
Jamie followed me which surprised me to be honest,I saw Harvey and his friends looking confused as we walked away from them towards Marina who was reading a book while eating.

"Why are you walking with me?",I asked him.
"Your reputation.",I whispered.

"I don't care about that.You're my friend now and I support your choice.",I smiled up at him thankfully.
He put his arm around my shoulder as I chuckled.
We sat down next to Marina,I sat right next to her while Jamie sat on her left.

"Hi.",we both said in unison causing Marina to jump up in surprise.
"What are you guys doing here?",she asked looking at us wide eyed.
Everyone was quiet not daring to say anything.
"Can you please stop being so noisy and deal with your own shit!",Jamie yelled causing everyone to start talking as if nothing just happened.

"We wanna be your friends.",Jamie said happily,his mood changing in 2.0 seconds.

"What?",she asked shocked.
"You heard right missy.",he winked at her,she blushed.

"See Marina,Jamie and I don't really care about our reputation and we want to get to know you better.",I smiled,she smiled back making me happy.
We started talking getting to know each other more which was pretty cool because we all seemed to fit together perfectly.
I was eating my pizza happily while Jamie tried to steal a slice,I slapped his hand "no Jamie stop it!Bad boy!",he winced in pain.
"You already had two!",he exclaimed.
"I don't care.You do not steal my food.",I said firmly.
"Drama queen.",Jamie mumbled as he rolled his eyes.
"Guys stop arguing.",Marina giggled.
"You can have my slice Jamie, I'm not hungry anymore.",she said.

Jamie hugged her unexpectedly causing a blush to form on her face.
"Thanks Mar.I hope I can call you that,well we're friends now so you're stuck with me anyways.",he babbled causing us both to chuckle.

"Right nicknames!",I yelled causing both to jump.


"So Marina will be Mar and Jamie will be the actual drama queen because well, look at him.",I explained.
He gasped.
"You did not just say that.",he said dramatically.
"See?",I said to Mar while she giggled.
"I'm calling you Mars because Gravity is lame.",Jamie said.
"Liar.You love my name.",I smirked.
"Ok true.",he mumbled.


School went by fast,Marina and I planned to go to the mall later to spend some more time together.I was really content with today's events,it was more or less a normal day and I was hoping that it would stay like this even though I know it won't.

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