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"Alright I'm sorry this is getting weird I gotta go home now.",I told him standing up from my seat as the rain started falling.
"Right.",I mumbled to myself referring to the rain.

"I can drive you come on.",he walked to a different direction as I stood still.

"Didn't you drink something?"

"No.Now come on before I change my mind.",he called.

I quickly walked up to him and got in the car,the drive was quiet we didn't talk much but music was playing in the background.
We arrived at my house as I took my small bag I turned around to him a small smile on my face.
"Thank you Harvey."

I didn't just thank him for the drive but for today and he knew it he nodded and I quickly walked out of the car towards my house trying not to get wet.
I searched through my bag but I couldn't find my keys and we never left any spare keys around the house.

My keys were in the house and my parents were gone until tomorrow morning so I couldn't get in.


"Did you forget your keys?",Harvey yelled through the rain as I nodded a little embarrassed about myself.
"Get in the car!Hurry!",he yelled.

Again I made my way back to the car and walked in.
"You can stay at mine if you want.",Harvey offered.
I thought it through,I didn't want to stay at Harvey's but Mar was probably still at the party and I couldn't just barge in like that.If I stay at Harvey's for the night and call Mar tomorrow morning maybe she'll let me sleep at her house for the other night so I wouldn't have to sleep outside.I would send my parents a message tomorrow morning so they know that I don't have my keys.

"That would be really nice.",I smiled at him,he nodded and drove away.
My house was getting smaller and smaller while the music was still playing.
I didn't dare to say anything during the drive because I was scared he'd snap and let me sleep outside alone.

When we finally arrived, Harvey parked into the garage, a beautiful house in front of us.The garden was beautiful, flowers were everywhere and the neighborhood looked very peaceful.I was sure that the entire view is so much more beautiful during daylight.

"Come on, but be quiet my parents are sleeping.",he told me before opening the door and walking in.
I nodded and followed him as quietly as possible.
Suddenly he started walking upstairs and I couldn't see in the darkness so my hands quickly grasped the back of his jacket so I wouldn't fall or make a noise.
He halted and turned to me.

"What are you doing?",he whispered, an eyebrow arched.

"I don't wanna trip and make a noise so I'm holding your jacket?",I answered but it came out more as a question than an answer.

He smiled and shook his head.

He turned around and slowly walked upstairs.

His smile was really cute wow.

My lips also formed into a small smile,it was just so contagious.

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