cincuenta y nueve

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*one month later*

"What aren't you happy we went to Burger King?",I giggled looking into Harvey's face.
[a/n: insert the beautiful pic above ;) ]

"You're taking pictures of me I feel weird.",he whined drinking his sprite.
"You look weird.",I pointed out giggling afterwards.
"Gee thanks princess I can't believe I'm having the honor to eat with you at Burger King.",he spoke sarcastically.
"I know right I'm amazing.",I flicked my hair as he shook his head chuckling.

"How's your mom?",Harvey asked smiling.

"Amazing, she's still working but there's already a little baby bump and I'm just so excited like I can't wait to have him or her in my arms.",I spoke excitedly causing his smile to widen.

"You're done with your food right?",he asked suddenly making me frown.

"Maybe why?", I asked a little afraid of what he was about to do.

"So that's a yes, alright take your drink and let's go.I want to show you something.",he smirked.
"Okay so now you actually want to kill me in the woods am I right?",I said as we walked out of Burger King.

We both still had our crowns on our heads and we also took our drinks with us.
I was slurping on it even though there was nothing in there anymore, it was a habit.

I started biting the straw when suddenly the drink got kicked out of my hand making me gasp.

"You did not just do that?!",I asked loudly.
"You were being annoying, like there's nothing in there so stop and throw it in the bin.",he rolled his eyes while my mouth was open in shock.

I jumped on his back taking him off guard while pinching his shoulder.
"Ouch stop Gravity!",he winced as I smiled evilly.
"No you deserve it!You were a bitch to me!",I stated.

"You love hurting me don't you?",he asked putting me down.
"Of course you're my main target.",I smile cutely as he smiled widely.

"So I'm your target?",he winked as I groaned.
"You take my words and twist them into something you like!",I shook my head at him.
"Well I love doing that to you.",he grinned.

"Here take my sprite, I know you want it.",I took it laughing.

Biting the straw was my favorite thing to do and he knew it.

"Thanks cocky boy.",I smiled cheekily.
"Now come on or you won't see the view I wanted to show you.",he took my hand in his as I looked at him lovingly.

I need to tell him.

Before it's too late.

But what if it destroys our friendship?

God I hate that my heart and brain are having this battle right now.

"Wow the view is beautiful!",that's the only thing that came out of my mouth, I was overwhelmed.

We were at the fair as the excitement started buzzing in my entire body.

"I knew you'd like it, now come on let's have some fun.",he smirked pulling me towards a ride that didn't look quite safe.

God save me!


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