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It was getting too much so I decided to leave the party because I was getting a headache and wanted to sleep.I was still in the bathroom because I was kind of scared to walk into Harvey again.I opened the bathroom door,the music blasting off.It was weird since the bathroom was quiet and now the music is blasting into my ear.My face formed into a frown as I made my way downstairs.

I couldn't see the boys,I was somewhat relieved, a sigh escaping my lips.
I was making my way outside but a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the person.I turned my head and saw a boy a littler older than me, winking at me.He was dancing around me, I think he was trying to be sexy but I wasn't really in the mood so I smiled and turned around to leave again.
But the boy didn't want to accept a damn no,he grabbed my arm and started kissing my neck.

I was disgusted,yes I did it with Harvey a few minutes ago but I KNEW Harvey and I was just teasing him.

This guy seems to want much more than that.
"Can you leave me alone?",I asked him politely once again.

He won't feel his little one if he doesn't stop touching me I can promise you that!

"Oh come on baby I know you want it too.",he smiled evilly as his hands roamed around my body while I squirmed trying to get out of his grip.

"If she fucking wanted you to touch her she'd be telling you this don't you think you prick?!",another voice yelled clearly angry.

I looked up and my shocked face met Harvey's blue eyes that were now a little darker than usual.
His face was red from anger and his hands were balled into fists.He approached the dude and pushed him away from me,he finally let go of me.
The dude got angry and pushed Harvey back but Harvey reacted quick and punched him in the face.Before anything else could happen,I took Harvey's hand and dragged him out of the mass of people.Some were looking and the others were still dancing and enjoying their night.I dragged Harvey outside so I could talk to him,I then realized how weird it felt holding Harvey's hands in mine.


"Can you tell me why you reacted that way?",I asked him crossing my arms as we sat down on the chairs that were outside next to the pool.
"What do you mean?If I didn't react like that he'd probably rape you by now!",he screamed at me,his chest was rising up and down.

Why was he screaming?

"I'm thankful for what you did but I could've handled him,he was obviously drunk.",I rolled my eyes,I still spoke very calmly while Harvey still looked very tense.

"Just like you Gravity!You think that you could've handled him but you don't know shit!"

"Okay Harvey,what's this about?This is not about me teasing you is it?",I asked him.

"No it's not about you fucking teasing me,making me want to take you right then and there no Gravity it's the fucking guy that dared to lay a hand on you!",I was shocked.

He was obviously frustrated because he didn't get what he wanted but he also cared for me?

I don't even know maybe I'm still drunk and have no clue what I'm talking about.

Maybe it's all just a dream who knows?

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