sesenta y tres

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"Simple but really cute.",Mar commented.
I looked in the mirror and a big smile formed on my lips.

I looked in the mirror and a big smile formed on my lips

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"Thank you.I love the make up Mar.",I hugged her.

"You're welcome now let's go, Jamie is already waiting outside.",she took a quick glance at herself in the mirror and pulled me with her downstairs.

",she took a quick glance at herself in the mirror and pulled me with her downstairs

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"Hey loser!",I greeted Jamie checking if everything that I needed was in my purse.

"What's up weirdo?",he asked before kissing his girlfriend.

"Ew you two are adorable.",I scrunched my noise up in disgust as Mar blushed giggling slightly.

Suddenly a gasp escaped her lips and her head turned towards Jamie who was about to start the car but stopped instantly almost looking a little frightened by his girlfriend.

"What happened?",he asked worriedly, I smiled looking at the two.

They really loved each other a lot and they deserved each other so much.They are so good for each other but they do not even have the same view as I do.The love that's radiating off them is immense and is making everyone else that is surrounded by them happy.

And then it happened.

"HARVEY AND GRAVITY ARE DATING!",she yelled almost making me deaf.

I've never seen someone this perplexed in my entire life before.His head turned so quickly towards me making me worried if he didn't break something.

"No way!Are you for real?",he asked still shocked.

I nodded not being able to say anything, he really scared me a little to be honest.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT HELL YES!",he screamed causing me to flinch.

"I feel like walking to be honest.",I told him in horror.
There's no way I'm driving with this maniac right now.
"Oh shut up I'm happy for you.",he said starting the car.
"You just yelled at me and almost broke your neck I think you need to calm down.",I answered with wide eyes.
"I am calm woman!",he yelled again as Mar rolled her eyes.
"Honestly you two are like Tom and Jerry.You constantly fight but secretly love each other to death.",she chuckled.

"We do not!",we both answered weirdly at the same time.

"Oh my god this is going to be a long ride.",I mumbled rolling my eyes.


"Thank god there are other humans in sight!Seth honey how are you, Colbain man I missed you!Harvey baby how have you been?I do not want to be with them in the same car ever again!This was such a traumatic experience!",I hugged each of them tightly.

"HARVEY AND GRAVITY ARE TOGETHER!",Mar ran towards us screaming like a maniac.

"I was hoping she was not going to do it but oh well...",I sighed looking at Harvey apologetically.
He grinned widely and pulled me towards him cuddling me in such an adorable way.

"My god another pair I will stay forever alone what did I do to deserve this!",Colbain whined looking at the sky.

"Don't worry you'll get your girl real soon!",I patted his back as his head turned towards me.

"You mean like today?You are right!We are bowling I think that today is my day,guys let's go!",his sad face changed into an exciting one.

"Good Job Gravity.He'll be annoying through the entire game.I'm not ready for this type of hell.",Seth mumbled.

"But congratulations guys it's not like we all knew you'd come together one day.",Seth rolled his eyes a smirk visible on his lips.

We went inside, Harvey held my hand in his making me all tingly inside.

"I'm going to beat you today you know that right?",I spoke up.

"Keep dreaming princess.",he winked as we took our shoes and walked to our alley.

He thinks he has a chance, sweet.
I will beat his ass and there's no way I'll be gentle.
Get ready to lose baby.


[a/n: lmao I love a powerful woman.😌 please vote and comment ily guys🌻💛]

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