sesenta y dos

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"Hey Gravity, what are you doing today?",Seth asked through the phone.

"Uhhh I honestly have no clue...maybe watch a movie and relax?",it came out more as a question than an answer.

"Nope we're going bowling today!",he answered straight away.

"But I don't want to stand up from my bed!",I groaned.

"Come on everyone is going to be there, our entire group.Harvey too.",you could hear the smirk through his voice and it was annoying as hell.

"Alright when?",I sighed even though I was super excited about it.

I don't know if Harvey told them already that we're together but since Seth didn't mention the topic I'm pretty sure he has no idea about us two.

"At 5pm?We're gonna play for two hours and after that we thought we could maybe stop at in & out burger and get something to eat.",he answered.

"I am so in!",I pretty much yelled getting hyped about the food while he chuckled in the background.

"Alright I'll see you then!",we ended the call and I went through my closet to look after a good outfit for later on.

"I literally have nothing to wear!",I groaned.

"I'm now even talking to myself!Great I'm getting insane!",I mumbled rolling my eyes.

wow I'm actually annoyed by myself.

The doorbell rung causing me to run downstairs since I was alone at home.

I opened the door and a smiling Mar stood in front of me with a big bag in her hand.

"We're gonna get ready together!",she jumped up and down as I chuckled.

She walked in happily already making her way upstairs to my room.

"Do you want anything to drink?",I yelled.
"Girl you already know the answer!",she yelled back and then I heard a big thud causing me to flinch.

"Nothing happened!",she yelled after a second causing me to laugh loudly.

I walked to the kitchen taking a bottle of water out of the fridge and some sweets with me.

"So would you tell me what just happened a few seconds ago?",I smirked arching an eyebrow.

"I might or might not have fallen off your bed after I jumped on it.",she answered sheepishly.

"Oh my god!",I giggled giving her some sweets.
"Anyways so I decided to do your make up today!",she clapped her hands excitedly as I looked at her confused.
"Why?",I crossed my arms.
"Because I want you to look good for Harvey!",she answered in a duh tone.

"I want you to finally get together silly!",she threw some snickers at me causing me to wide my eyes in surprise and duck.

"Stop woman!These are to eat!",I gasped taking the snickers munching on it happily.

"What if Harvey and me are already together?",I asked quietly trying not to look into her eyes.

"WHAT?!NO FUCKING WAY?!",she yelled jumping on me taking me off guard.

"WHEN?WHAT?HOW?WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?",she kept yelling almost crushing me to death as I struggled to get out of her grip.

"Yesterday, we went on a date kind of without me knowing again and I asked him, he said yes and yeah now we are boyfriend and girlfriend.And that is exactly why I didn't tell you instantly, I do not want to die before I even get the chance to actually be with my boyfriend for over 24hours.",I answered playfully annoyed, the smile on my face betrayed me though.

"Oh you love me.",she wiggled her eyebrows causing us both to erupt into fits of giggles.
"I really do.",I grinned.


[a/n: AND I LOVE YOU GUYS WOW THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORY SO MUCH MORE IS TO COME!💛pls vote and comment it does help a lot and I'm going to be active again yay!🌻]

[a/n: AND I LOVE YOU GUYS WOW THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORY SO MUCH MORE IS TO COME!💛pls vote and comment it does help a lot and I'm going to be active again yay!🌻]

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^ this is to all my babies out there who celebrate today I luv u🙈

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