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"I'm a walrus.",he smiled.

"A very ugly one.",I commented chuckling slightly.
His smile dropped.

"Oh you did not!",his voice became very deep, even a little raspy which was really hot.

I shrugged.
"Oh I did Mister."
I took a sip out of my milkshake and moaned.

This was delicious.

Damn the woman knew how to make a good milkshake.

Suddenly Harvey stood up from his seat and instead of going to the toilet (that was what I thought he'd do) he walked up to me and started tickling me.
I tried to stay strong and not laugh but when he hit my ticklish spot I couldn't contain myself and erupted into fits of giggles.

"Stop it you walrus!",I almost yelled laughing loudly.

"Say I'm hot and I'll stop.",his smirk was back making me frown.

"No just stop already!",I laughed.

"No.",he chuckled.

"Alright fine.I am hot.I said it now let me free!",I giggled trying to get out of his grip but it was useless, he didn't budge at all.

"Nope I won't let you go that easily."

He stopped but his hands were still holding my waist firmly.

"You're hot.",I told him annoyed, crossing my arms together.
"That's true.",he answered and sat back with the cocky smirk on his face.

"Stop smirking cocky boy.",I told him slapping his arm.
"Ouch?!Why?Does it make you nervous?",his smirk grew.

"No I don't like it at all.It's fake just like the attitude you're having right now.So please go back to the real you so I can get to know you better.",his smirk faded and a frown made its way on his pretty face.

He didn't say anything and kept eating,the frown was still visible but it looked like he was having a debate in his head.

He's a real mystery to me.

After a while of silence he finally opened his mouth:
"My favorite color is blue what about you?",he asked,he didn't smile but at least he tried to make a conversation.

"Yellow, I think it's a really pretty color that's why I also love sunflowers so much.",I gushed out.

"Alright now it's my turn what's your favorite Disney movie?",I asked him interested.

"The Lion King that's for sure.",he replied instantly.
"I love the story and Timon and Pumbaa were my favorites.",a small smile formed on his face, making me happy again.

"What about you what's your favorite?",he asked me,he put his elbows on the table looking interested.

"The beauty and the beast.I love how Belle is such a different figure from all these princesses.She loves reading and she's not afraid of what other people think of her.She doesn't care at all.She loves her father and friends so much,she's always protecting the people she loves and if someone hurts the people that are important to her then she isn't afraid to tell them off.She is a real idol and I think it's a really amazing story.I love her character so much.",I told him smiling widely.
I really loved the movie.

"Well the resemblance is shocking.",he mumbled but I heard him anyways.
"What do you mean?"

"Well Belle is basically you.You are Belle.You protect the people that are important to you and you don't care what other people think about you unless they hurt your family or friends.It's almost as if Belle and you are the exact same person.",he explained my face dropped.

He was right.

"Okay that's honestly scary.",I commented.
"I didn't intend to be like Belle.",I told him.

"I know but she was probably such a big role model to you back then that you actually picked up to the stuff she did and became a second Belle."

"Wow that's crazy!",my eyes were big as he chuckled.

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