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"So many girls want to sleep with me and that shows me that I'm not just attractive but that they don't have the same respect for themselves like they have for me."

I thought about his words.

"You're right.They are obsessed with you, some feel so worthless before they sleep with you, some feel worthless afterwards but either way their respect for themselves is gone.And do you know why?Because they think that sleeping with you would make other people respect them so they wouldn't be worthless anymore but they don't understand that that's not the way how it works.And if all the people at school keep living the stereotype they think they have to be then nothing will ever change.But if just one group stands up and changes something they will understand it and start being themselves again.They will be happier and brighter, they will live their life wholeheartedly and the way they should have before.So I don't get why you're keeping your guards up if that's already an aspect that's actually holding other people from being the human they want to be."

He was speechless, I took my bag and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before leaving the car.
The peck sent a weird feeling through my veins, it made me crave more.

"Goodnight Harvey, thank you for bringing me home.",I smiled walking up to my house, it seemed as if he was still in a state of shock not able to say anything.
It was already really late so I took off my make up before walking straight to bed falling asleep instantly.


"We went to an Italian restaurant, he made so many jokes I was smiling the entire time.After dinner he drove us to a beautiful place where we were watching a movie.He made a little car cinema for me and it was absolutely amazing.I will never forget this day he was so sweet.After that he drove me home and kissed me, it was like I imagined but even better than that.Gravity I hope he'll ask me out for another date again because I really enjoyed it a lot!",she gushed.

"I'm so happy for you Mar.",I hugged her happily.

"Did you have fun at Seth's?",Mar asked me as we walked towards the cafeteria.

"Yes it was fun!Harvey arrived a little later because he was at Pricilla's you know why.",I told her making a disgusted face while she giggled.

"Ew.This is really disgusting.",Mar exclaimed as I nodded.

"But he took a shower and after that he was actually pretty sweet to me.",I whispered in her ear because we were getting closer to our table where Harvey and Seth were already eating their food.

She wiggles her eyebrows making me laugh.
"Hey guys!",Mar waved happily.

"What's up?!",Seth smiled.
I sat next to Seth and started munching on my bread,totally zoning out not even listening to what they were talking about.

Suddenly someone screamed "boo" into my ear making jump up in surprise throwing my bread at Jamie who was suddenly in front of me.A scream escaped my lips while the boys and Mar were laughing their asses off.I turned around my eyebrows already furrowed and my fists balled,

"You!",I pointed at him angrily, I was already standing in front of him while his eyes went big.

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