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"So what do you want to wear for the party?",I asked Mar while going through her wardrobe.

It was already 7pm and Jamie told us he will pick us up at 9:30pm so we still had lots of time.I already took a shower at home, so now I just need to change into my party outfit and do my make up.
Mar ordered us Pizza which was so cute of her!
Her mom was also so welcoming and so nice,she approved of us going since she missed seeing her daughter this happy.
I was still angry because of Pricilla but I tried to forget her because she wasn't worth my thoughts.
But Marina didn't deserve it at all.

"I wanna wear something....",she thought about it for a while tapping on her chin while I chewed on the tasty pizza almost a moan escaping my lips.

"Sexy!",she said excited.
I almost choked on my pizza.
I coughed really hard until I finally regained my position.
"I'm sorry.",she widened her eyes but I just chuckled.
"It's fine Mar but I got one question."
"Do you want to be sexy for yourself or for Jamie?",I wiggled my eyebrows at her grinning widely.
"Oh my god Gravity stop!",she laughed throwing a pillow right in front of my face.
"Oh you did not!",I warned her.
"Hmm yes I did just throw a pillow at you,just like this.",another one hit my face while she was laughing uncontrollably.
"Game on.",I mumbled as I threw the pillow at her but she dodged it and fled to her bathroom.
"Hurry up and shower I will search for an outfit for you!",I yelled,I just heard a faint "Okay".


"Do I really look good?",Mar asked fiddling with her skirt.

"You look stunning!I'm sure Jamie will be head over heels for you Mar!",I told her excitedly.
She smiled.
"But we just met."
"Yeah but you went to school for how long now?So I don't think that you just developed the crush a few days ago but for a few months or maybe even years now.And that's okay!I think he likes you too!Just ask him to go on a date with you.",I hugged her.
"Oh god no,he'll probably say no!",she panicked.
"And why should he say that?He likes to hang out with you and if you don't want it to be a date right away just ask him to hang out with you.",I told her.
"Maybe...one day.",she mumbled but I nudged her.
"Don't be like that,you're gorgeous."
"Thank you so are you Gravity.",she took her bag and took a final glance at her mirror.

",she took her bag and took a final glance at her mirror

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"Alright let's do this.",she mumbled as I also took my bag and went downstairs.

",she mumbled as I also took my bag and went downstairs

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[a/n: I don't wanna give you any face because I think imagining the person is so much cooler]

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[a/n: I don't wanna give you any face because I think imagining the person is so much cooler]

I put my black old school vans on and walked outside with Mar.
Jamie was already waiting in his car,he was too busy with his phone to notice that we were approaching his car.
When we finally opened the doors to the car,Jamie's face looked up and widened instantly.
I already told Mar to sit next to Jamie because I wanted them to talk,so I sat down in the backseat a big smile on my face.
Jamie was stuttering,trying to form a sentence out of his mouth but he was failing miserably.
"Mar...you woah shit you look...damn.",he took a deep breath before continuing.

"You look absolutely amazing!",he said it quickly,he seemed very nervous which was cute since Mar was feeling the same way,she was fiddling with her bag blushing uncontrollably.
"Thank you Jamie.",she grinned.

After a while of them saying nothing I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth:
"Let's go to the party you love birds."

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