sesenta y ocho

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We walked to the party, which was filled with sweating bodies dancing, people drinking or making out.

"Who's party is it?",I asked over the music.
"I don't know, Jamie told me it was a girl.",he shrugged his shoulders not really caring.

I brushed it off not really caring either as we went deeper into the pool of people.

"No freaking way!",I screamed, Harvey smirked in triumph as I widened my eyes in shock.

"A bet is a bet!",he laughed through the music.

Colbain was actually making out with a girl, the girl had barely anything to cover up her important parts.I was utterly disgusted and an idea popped up in my head.
I gave Harvey his 5bucks, he went for a kiss but I backed away and winked at him while walking towards the couple.They were like animals, it was really disgusting, I was trying not to gag.

Harvey's eyes widened and he went to stop me but Harvey and I both knew that nothing could stop me when I'm resolved to do something.

I tapped the girls back very harshly.
They stopped eating their faces off and turned towards me pretty annoyed, when Colbain finally realized that it was me, he seemed paralyzed.

"THAT IS MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!WE ARE ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY!",I yelled into her face, so she could understand every single word I said.

And let me tell you, that girl did not just understand it, she felt it.
She looked completely shocked at my belly,you couldn't see anything but I was still a believable actress.

She slapped him harshly and walked away rolling her eyes.I glared at Colbain until she finally left out of sight.I erupted into fits of giggles, holding my stomach for support.

"Why did you do that?!",he yelled shocked.

"You're a nice young boy, you will not use women like that!That is disgusting!",I slapped his shoulders as he nodded still paralyzed.

"I'm sorry bro.",Harvey smirked patting Colbains back in a comforting manner.

"Do not pout at me like that!Let's dance guys!",I dragged both of them to the dance floor.
They didn't look very happy with my decision but when I began dancing like a maniac making a total fool out of myself, big smiles formed on their faces.
We moved to the beat, laughing every now and then.

After a while I went to the bathroom to freshen up, after I did my business I went to search for Mar.
There were many people, so it was really hard to find her or Jamie.I haven't seen Seth yet either, I wasn't sure if he was coming, he didn't seem like a party type to me.
I went outside and finally found both, Jamie and Mar sitting on the grass cuddling.They were laughing about something, having probably the best time with drinks in their hands.

I didn't want to interrupt so I let them be and walked back inside searching for Harvey or Colbain.I went to the kitchen to also get a drink since I was really getting thirsty.


[a/n: lmao I laughed]


I finally found Colbain standing with a drink in his hand, sipping every now and then.
"Hey weirdo!",I yelled smiling widely.
"Hey freak!",he slurred almost tripping just by standing on his place.

I chuckled.
"I see you had a few drinks?",I was grinning at him but he shook his head.

"No I had about 10.",he put his arm around my shoulders holding for support.

This guy.


"Where is Harvey?",I asked him but he only shrugged.

I looked out for him but I couldn't see him anywhere.That's why I took Colbain by his waist and sat him next to a girl that was sitting on a couch.She was sipping on her drink but she looked very shy and lonely.
"Excuse me is it alright if you just look out for my friend a little bit?I'm coming back as soon as I can I promise!I'm just searching for a friend to get him home!",I yelled through the music.
Her eyes widened, she wanted to say no but seeing my pleading eyes she gave in sighing.

She nodded, so I took a quick glance at Colbain who was admiring the girl and left searching for my boyfriend.

"You look very pretty!",Colbain babbled in the back.

He was a little baby to me and I needed to find Harvey so we could get him home, he really had lots of drinks and I knew he would feel awful if he kept drinking.

Drinking is all nice and fun until you throw up and regret your decisions.


[a/n: I hope you liked this chapter it's about to get fun lol, please V O T E and comment it means a lot ily💛
7votes and imma post a new chapter real soon?🌻]

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