cincuenta y cinco

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"Before I present the winner of the contest I want to say that every single one of you contestants today was amazing.It was a hard decision but all of you are talented and don't stop doing what you love just because you think that you lost today.Each one of you is a winner.",Mrs. Lennington smiled at the performers before turning to the audience.

"The winner of today's contest is...",she made a little pause causing me to groan silently.
I was praying that Harvey would win, he deserved it so much but so did all the other contestants.

"Silvia Greenstone.",the audience clapped as Mrs. Lennington walked to Silvia and handed her the price over.She hugged her congratulating her, but my eyes were focused on Harvey.
He was grinning and clapping, he didn't seem sad at all, which made me frown.
After a while Harvey finally walked down to us giving each of us a hug.
"Sorry man you were amazing out there.",Seth gave him a bro hug.
"Maybe next time.",Jamie smiled sadly.
"It's okay guys!I had so much fun performing I don't care.It was important to me that you came and you did so thank you,you are amazing.",he laughed as we smiled.

"Excuse me are you Harvey Cantwell?",a man who was probably over 30 looked at Harvey as he nodded confused.
"Yes that's me.",Harvey smiled politely.
"My name is Blair Dreelan nice to meet you Harvey.",they shook hands.
"Nice to meet you too Mr. Dreelan.",Harvey smiled but seemed still confused as to who this man was.

"I liked your performance a lot.Did you write the song?",the man asked interested.
"Yes sir, my teacher helped me a little though but the ideas and the lyrics were mainly from me.",he answered proudly.

I smiled, he looked so cute.

"I think you've lots of potential young boy, do you have time right now?I'd like to talk to you about your future.Maybe during a coffee what do you think?",he asked Harvey.
He thought for a second and nodded.
"How about the coffee shop that's just across the street?",Harvey suggested and the man nodded satisfied with the answer.
"I'll talk to you guys later alright?",he smiled and left.

"Who was this guy?",I asked confused.
"I don't know he was mysterious though.",Colbain shrugged his shoulders.
"I found something about him.",Mar said looking at her phone.
"What?",Jamie asked curious about the man.

"Blair Dreelan is famous for being the lead singer of the 90's boy band East 17 and known as one of the writers of the chart-topping song "Shout for England," which became England's official anthem for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.He is also a manager, his management is called Alphadog Management.",Mar explained as our eyes widened.

"OH MY GOD HE WANTS TO WORK WITH HARVEY!",I screamed happily jumping up and down.

"We don't know yet guys!",Seth laughed at my weirdness.

"Oh I'm sure he loved his performance I mean oh my god he'll become a famous super star can you believe it!",I squealed absolutely happy for him.

"How are you so sure?",Jamie laughed.
"Oh come on guys he is fucking amazing and talented there's no way that he won't become famous.",I rolled my eyes.
"You're so sure of it.",Colbain chuckled.
"Alright lets go I don't want to be in our school anymore, it was already painful to come here even though we actually had no school.",Jamie walked towards the door.

"It was worth it though you can't deny that!",I smirked.


[a/n: please vote and comment your thoughts🌻💛]

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