cincuenta y ocho

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Harvey drove us to Jamie's house, we were the last ones to arrive.

"Hey guys come in!",Jamie yelled excitedly already wet probably because they're already in the pool.
It was a really beautiful day to be outside and in the water.I knew that I wouldn't get in the water today but I'd stay close to my friends and talk.That would already be a big step for me since I wasn't near a pool or beach for months now.
"Can you guys come here real quick I gotta tell you something.",I spoke nervously.

"Why don't we just talk outside while chilling at the pool!",he said excitedly lifting me up causing me to panic.

"NO!",I screamed.
"MAN LET HER DOWN NOW!",Harvey yelled furiously.

"Gosh what is wrong with you two?Are you like together or something?",he joked.
"No we need to talk here now.",I spoke sternly, my breathing was still a little unsteady.
Jamie nodded confused and went for the others while Harvey walked me to the living room making me sit on the couch.

"Are you alright princess?",he asked worried, his arm was wrapped around my shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Yeah I just panicked I guess.The scene won't get out of my head.",I laughed lightly trying to ease the tension but he seemed still worried.

"I'm always here to protect you.",he said as I rolled my eyes.
"I can protect myself now.I learned from my mistakes.",I told him crossing my arms.
"I know I didn't mean it like that-",he said but the guys were walking into the room and he stopped himself before it could get any further.

"Hey what's up?Jamie said you were acting weird?Is everything alright?",Mar asked sitting beside me with a towel wrapped around her body.

"You need to sit down.I'm going to tell you something about my past today and why I am the person I am today.",I spoke slowly, my voice trembling.


I told them everything just like I told Harvey, it was hard but when I was done it felt like a burden fell of my shoulders.Everyone was shocked but they understood why I wasn't for the mood to swim today.I convinced them to still go out to the pool so they could swim and I'd just chill by the pool.

"Harvey go into the pool or I'll punch you in the face!",I laughed pushing him towards the pool that was a few inches away.There was still lots of space, it made me feel so much safer and better.
Harvey doesn't want to let me on my own but it's so warm today.

"Alright but I'll still talk to you from the pool then!",he said making me giggle.
I was laying on a lounger trying to tan, I knew it wouldn't work though cause I either stay white or get red like a tomato, there was no in between.

Harvey started taking his shirt off causing me to almost choke on my own spit.

Holy shit I wasn't prepared for that!

I totally forgot that he has to take his shirt off wow this is better than any tv show right now!

I was staring and he knew it, he smirked slowly walking into the water causing me to go insane.

He was walking slow on purpose!

Son of a-

I stopped myself before I would say something I'd regret or jump on him.I looked away going on my socials just so I could be distracted for a bit until I would look again.

A small peek isn't a bad thing right?


[a/n: hope you liked this chapter please vote it does help a lot!💛🌻]

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