sesenta y cuatro

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"I can't believe you won!",Colbain whined, I smirked into Harvey's direction who was pouting.

"I love bowling it would've been a disgrace if I lost.",I spoke grinning.

"We're never going bowling again then.",Seth answered making everyone nod their heads.
"Hey!That is rude!",I gave him a light punch on his shoulder.
"No it's fair Gravity!Because we would lose every single damn time if we would go bowling again.",Seth rolled his eyes.

"I see you're hungry.",Jamie pointed out.

"You're starting to be as annoying and scary as Gravity when she's hungry.",he explained making me gasp.
"Oh you did not!",I glared at him.

"I spoke too soon.She is hungry right now too.Great.Two people who want to kill me.Mar let's go we're gonna meet them at in & out burger.Harvey you're gonna take your girlfriend with you I do not want to die thank you very much bye!",he yelled dragging Mar with him towards his car.

"He is such a drama queen I can't believe we're friends with him.",I shook my head as Harvey chuckled.
His arm wrapped around my shoulders but his head turned to Colbain and Seth.

"We'll see you at in & out alright?",they only nodded and walked towards Seth's car that was parked on the far left of the parking lot.

"Why do you park your car at the end of the fucking world?You know I hate exercise!",Colbain whined again, a slap could be heard afterwards.

"Ouch man why do you always feel the need to hit me?",Colbain cried.

"Cause you're annoying and I'm always the one that's stuck with you.",Seth rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Damn you are really hungry.",Colbain exclaimed.
"Shut up and get in the car."

"I do love our friendship though.",I spoke grinning widely.
Harvey opened the door for me as I thanked him and walked in.

"You know it would be boring without them.",he spoke starting the car.

"That's true."

"How is your mom?",he asked curiously.

"She's fine, the baby is growing it's all good.I can't wait to finally have him or her in my arms Harvey.",I spoke happily.

"You're gonna be a great sister I can tell.",he winked as I giggled.

"Thank you cocky boy."

"Is the nickname going to stay forever?",he asked worriedly.
"Yeah why?",I asked.
I knew that he didn't like it but it was cute to see him react like that.

"Please don't.",he sighed as I laughed.
"Why? You call me princess all the time and that's the same thing.",I said innocently.
"It's not!My nickname is cute while yours is casting a poor light on me.",he said.

"But you are cocky.",I giggled.
"Am not!",he protested parking his car.

"Don't be mad.",I pouted.
"But you are being mean.",he crossed his arms in a playful manner.

I turned towards him and leaned a little closer to his ear.He kept looking straight forward not daring to even glance at me because he knew that he'd lose.
I kissed his cheek softly, he still didn't react in any way.
I kept kissing his cheek going down to his neck, his breathing was starting to become uneasy and he looked much more nervous than before.

"Princess- uh what....what are you doing?",he asked slowly, his voice gave him away.
He was trying so hard not to moan and I was enjoying this.I knew that I was teasing him but oh well it wasn't the first time.

"Nothing baby.",I whispered in his ear, he took a sharp inhale of air as I grabbed his upper arm.
I was kissing his cheek again getting closer to his mouth but before he had a chance to kiss me I backed away and got out of the car.

I took a deep breath, he wasn't the only one affected by it but it was much worse for him than it was for me.
"Princess you can't do that!",he whined as I giggled.

"Let's go I'm hungry!",I clapped in my hands walking towards the door.

"She's going to be the death of me one day.",I heard him mumbling as another big smile formed on my face.

This relationship thing is getting better and better everyday.


[a/n: hope u like it, it's gonna get more exciting I promise u just gotta wait.ily💛please vote and comment🌻]

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